Re: Global spell tactics ?
Personally, I believe in overkill with many of the globals. It's hard to tell how much of a benefit is derived, since I don't believe you get a notification when someone tries and fails to either dispel or overwrite your global (unlike domes stopping spells).
I know that in one game that recently ended, Vanheim and I (Last of the Tuatha) both cast a spell the same turn - I think it was Forge of the Ancients, but it might have been Gale Gate.
His spell went up. My spell overwrote it that very turn; it then stayed up until the immortal pretender who cast it died twice in the same turn.
Sometimes it's a little extra into a spell - say, 15 extra gems, just enough to frustrate someone who theorizes that I might have put 10 extra in.
Othertimes, it's an extra 50-80%, even on gem producing spells. With enough extra added in, other people will almost certainly be wasting a good quantity of their gems if they attempt to take mine down, and I also believe it means that my global is less likely to be burned if someone casts a 6th hoping to open one of the slots.
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.