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Old September 16th, 2004, 06:43 AM
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Default GraphX

I've been tinkering with the FtarFury components.bmp file to add new weapons and such, and to make the stock set a little more crisp using original 128x128 SE4gold art.

I've tried two tactics

1) Expand the base component.bmp up so that each slot is 128x128, then inserting the graphics after replacing the black background with the funky purple haze, and then reducing back to 40x40 (this I did to replace the existing art, where I could find the right images).
It worked well. Though in the game the difference is negligable.

2) Simply reduced the image after replacing the black and pasting it into the component file. Seemed to work, but...

Some of the components are appearing in the game with a single pixel purple border around them. Quite unpleasant, and not easy to correct. I set the color-switch to be anti-aliased at 100% opacity to prevent bleed across, so the purple should be exactly the same across the entire graphic.

SO... anyone care to explain what I'm seeing? And how I might be able to correct it?
This did not happen when I expanded and then reduced the entire components.bmp file. I could do that with the expanded file, but... it'd be a memory nightmare. It's 500 component squares, and even at 40x40 quite large (2.4M).

[edit] AH, now I believe I understand why. When I reduced the big components.bmp after editing back to its original size it inserted by some quirk a black edge around all of the graphic edges (I see this after expanding the original back up to the 128x128 slot size). Answers my own question. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Target.gif[/img]

Once I get finished with the expanded component.bmp file and the main_components.txt file I'll see if anyone wants to make use if it for their mods.
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Old September 18th, 2004, 09:40 PM
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Default Re: GraphX

The progress so far:
Roughly 250 basic components, not including mines, commodities, and such.

Here are the two files that (once this bugger is done) will be combined into a single components image file, and then I'll start on redoing the entire components.txt file so that the pointers will go to the right places.

If you don't see some stuff... it's because I intend to add it later. Specifically: Alien stuff. The weapons and equipment specific to a particular race will be added to 'race specific' areas of the comp.bmp file.

Also, there's some stuff I just could not find the art for: Fighters and power generators. I used what I had, though going up from 40 to 128 and back down plays havoc with resolution.

Does anyone understand how to make use of the 'requirements' field in components.txt? So I can specify, say; a race (ship type?), player level?
I'll let the modders put this stuff in stores... the one time I tried to tinker with stores.txt the game went haywire.

Attached Images
File Type: jpg 296183-CompMOD.jpg (606.8 KB, 221 views)
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Old September 21st, 2004, 06:05 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: GraphX

You might want to check my image mod file..


Amoung other things I've ported all the SE4 componets to Starfury; the file it also completely compatable with the SE4 Image Mod in the sense that you can port any file from there simply by resizing it, upping the file number by 10, and pasting it in.

Why are you going up from 40?

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old September 25th, 2004, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: GraphX

I believe I know why the game made a hash of what I submitted before - it's done the same thing to me. I remembers the pic index slots you had before, and when you plug in the new components.bmp it sudden finds itself addressing the *wrong* image slots. So you get trash.

Why it does this sometimes and someties it does not I have no clue.

Anyway... here's my updated image file, components.txt, and randomcompscarried.txt I got most of the little purple halos out this time too.

I saved the image file in .png format, BTW. Should come out better this time.



Updated the components.txt, randomcomps, and store files to better use the new items. I've also reduced the price the stores buy stuff so that a chance random Wave Gun or crystal beam won't make your wallet too fat.

These files are based off of the P&N Homefront campaign set.

Attached Files
File Type: zip 298176-NewComponents.zip (1.14 MB, 149 views)
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