Originally posted by Phier:
TMD Modpack races rarely sweep. Its a fatal flaw in the AI.
Say WHAT ?!?! I am using TDM-Modpack and they are sweeping me regularly. You just have to give them time to learn the tech. Mine is a ten good planet start and the sweeping started at a modest six per sweeper before turn 20. I would have to check what it is at 47 but it has been going up steadily per ship and the attacks have been coming more often. So give em time, they will sweep you for sure!
Edit :
Cose timing! I forgot to mention, I am being swept by Rage and Cue Cappa. Until I made peace I was being swept by Sallegra and Drushocka. Replacing the mines is a steady drain on resources. Try making peace with your opponents. That way you do not have to replace mines, and you get the treaty income. You can keep the peace even with Murderous races. See my posting "TDM-Modpack politics in really big game" to learn how, and get some stats on trade income. It PAYS to trade.
[This message has been edited by LCC (edited 13 June 2001).]