I couldn't resist posting. Obviously Garek would win. For a few reasons.
1. It doesn't matter if Garek can't aim. Federation phasers have autoaim.
Anyway that site analyses the technology of Star Trek and Star Wars, and in most ways Star Trek comes out on top. Maybe Han Solo will pick up a phaser, and maybe he won't... but Garek would definitely use a phaser or some Cardassian variant, and could take out Han Solo without a sweat with it. And the "friends" argument... well Han Solo has Jedi friends, but I'd rather be in Garek's bird of prey than Solo's Millenium Falcon anyday lol.
2. I remember an episode where Garek and O'Brian were trapped in an old Cardassian space station where they resurrected some Cardassian soldiers. My memory is fuzzy, but I remember Garek killing a few of the Cardassians, and nearly killing O'Brian, because he was affected by some virus. Obviously, Garek is a formidable opponent... the "Tailor" moniker doesn't do him justice, just as calling Han Solo a "Smuggler" doesn't give Han Solo due credit...
Anyway I hope this doesn't go OT, with a SW vs ST debate starting lol that would be stupid. But with Garek and Han, ignoring the technology and other factors, I think Garek would win, because he is the more ruthless of the two. Ignoring everything else, and just comparing personalities, Garek wins in the leathality Category, because he is a cold-blooded killer, and Han is a playboy.
So whatever way you cut it, Garek wins =D