there are some points which i would like to know because i am perhaps otherwise providing wrong info and then it is not a guide but a misguide .
i know for sure that zen , johan and kristoffer know the answers so it would be nice if you share your wisdom

here we go :
1. correct info on flames from afar concerning the following :
damage + damage type , additional damage per level above ?
additional number of targets per level above
2. info on the damage throw for flames from the sky .
3. info on the damage throw for murdering winter.
4. info on the damage throw for armaggedon.
5. are there any other damage spells like the above targetting more than 1 unit ?
6. domes : is it true that a spell has to penetrate multiple domes of the same kind (e.g. air) if they were cast by different casters ? someone , i think norfleet said this in an older post from me . so clarification would be very welcome

7. are stealthy leaders on hide command targeted by flames from afar / murdering winter / flames from the sky / armaggedon ?
i ask this because i remember reading that hidden scouts etc. can't be targeted by seeking missile . is that true for the above mentioned spells too ?
thank you very much this is the crucial info for my conclusions in my new guide(s) for ligas dominion encyclopedia
