Re: Hydra suggestion
I'm playing a game against Pythium Serpent Cult and it was winning (I'm abysya) til I get an army with twelve anthemats field artillery salamander to shoot them from range.
Even by not sacred better Abysya HI was getting asskicked by hidra (serpent cult ones are sacred too!!! even if expensive).
With a mixture of Hidras and Vine Men/Ogres he's keeping up the battle with few loses while I've lost a lot of Aby HI (I believe a number beetween 200 to 300 HIs in 5-6 turns, not so easy to replace at 28/30 resources each)before getting a standing army that can match his hidras.
However recuperation shouldn't change a lot, already is very difficult for an hidra to get an affliction since it has regeneration.
- Cohen
- The Paladin of the Lost Causes
- The Prophet of the National Armyes
- The Enemy of the SC and all the overpowered and unbalanced things.