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Old April 9th, 2004, 01:27 AM

Vynd Vynd is offline
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Default Getting Started in Multiplayer

OK, so I'm a newbie and I know it. And I want to get into some multiplayer games, but I'm a little intimidated by all the folks who already know what they're doing. Is there a "Multiplayer for Newbies" thread anywhere? If not, perhaps this could start one.

All this talk of Blitzing sessions, quickhost, etc., has me intimidated, because I don't know exactly what they mean and I don't want to join a game that requires a greater time commitment than I can make and piss everyone off. And if I don't get this sort of stuff then surely there are other things that the non-newbies take for granted about multiplayer that I don't even know I don't know. So does anyone have some advice for new multiplayers?
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Old April 9th, 2004, 01:41 AM
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Default Re: Getting Started in Multiplayer

A "blitz" session is a game in which all the players are Online at once, trying to complete a lot of turns in one sitting. Frequently the players use IRC or a chat program to communicate outside the game. "Quickhost" simply means the turns are set to generate when every player has completed his turn, rather than, say, generating at a specified time. Joining one of the games on mosehansen's server is probably a good way to get started. If you have an IRC client, come by irc.gamesurge.net, channel #dominions, and you'll probably find someone willing to answer questions. Good luck!
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Old April 9th, 2004, 02:27 AM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Getting Started in Multiplayer

Originally posted by Vynd:
So does anyone have some advice for new multiplayers?
Firstly, know exactly what you're getting into: Nobody likes somebody who says he will play, then suddenly chickens out at the Last minute, or worse, after the game has started. Once you've agreed to something, you should be committed to it. This applies to most things in real life, too.

Secondly, remember: It's not over until the fat lady sings. Lots people like to chicken out the moment they think they're starting to lose. Don't be like that. Never give up, never surrender!
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Old April 9th, 2004, 02:46 PM
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Default Re: Getting Started in Multiplayer

I like dropouts. Ive often taken over for players that drop out. I highly recommend it especially for someone who feels too new to get into games.

You dont have to be embarrased since you are probably already in a bad spot. You arent expected to win but you can get the feel for multiplay (and you can still be a surprise). And alot of times its not even all that bad a spot. Only once do I remember slipping into a player spot and seeing myself really at the final battle. More often its early in the game. Someone attacked them "too soon", or they lost their god, or they see someone pulling ahead on the scoreboard so they figure the game is decided (a very bad assumption in this game).

But dont be afraid to jump in. The community is friendly. And having answers isnt the same in this game as being an expert player (personally I havent won one yet). Often newbies come up with some of the most surprising stuff. And even if you dont do well solo you might excell in MP since diplomacy is a big factor.

-- If you cant beat them, then join them.
If you cant beat them or join them, then at least surprise them.
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)
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Old April 9th, 2004, 03:33 PM
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Default Re: Getting Started in Multiplayer

As someone else who's relatively new, here're my two cents:

Jump in headfirst. Don't worry about knowing too little about the game. The fact is that the game is so deep, it virtually demands a trial and error process to get rolling. I've only been here around a month and already my knowledge has increased exponentially. I'm still occasionally having problems in the SP game when loaded up against impossibles, but I figured I'd jump into a MP game just to see what I could learn. And that's been quite a bit actually. Humans are so much more aggressive and unpredictable than AI -- sometimes to their disadvantage even.

Ask specific questions. Most of the people on this forum seem pretty accessible and willing to help you learn. Just be sure to forum search a bit if you think somebody else might have asked your question before you. The more general the question, the better the idea to search first.

As Gandalf P. points out, don't give up early. Even after you lose a Pretender and perhaps even your Last fort, it might be worth it to see what you can do. These games don't end quickly and if your forces are that diminished, odds are it's not like you have to spend a ton of time working out your turn.

I'd say pick a race and learn it really well and start there, but that's awful hard with this game, especially if you love several of them as I do. Instead, just jump into a game or two and then come back here and discuss your experiences with fellow players. You'll turn out fine, I'm sure.
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Old April 9th, 2004, 09:20 PM
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Default Re: Getting Started in Multiplayer

I, for one, would like to see a reference document or FAQ for multiplayer. Defining some of the jargon is really helpful (like earlier in this thread) and maybe some tech pointers or tricks on exchanging turns. That sort of thing.

And maybe some advanced ideas on etiquette or rules for a group of players to enhance the gameplay.

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