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Old February 23rd, 2004, 12:05 PM
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Default Armor Piercing, Flaming Arrows, and Fire Damage

Maybe some smart folk here know:

When I cast Flaming Arrows, it gives my ranged units the appropriate Icon, which when clicked says "8 AP damage" (I think).

- I am betting this is 8 AP damage over and above the damage a normal bow/javelin/hot dog would do. Right? Is this treated in a separate roll, or does it *add* 8 points of damage to the normal arrow damage and make the whole basket armor piercing?

- Nowhere does it say "fire damage". Does anyone know if fire resistant troops (e.g. abyssians) are resistant/immune to this damage?

- With units with a fiery ranged attack, such as Demons of Celestial Fire, I can cast this spell and see they get the little icon too. What is the deal here, since they already have AP damage, which also is probably fiery (?) -- do they just get +8 damage?

thanks in advance
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Old February 23rd, 2004, 12:15 PM
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Wauthan Wauthan is offline
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Default Re: Armor Piercing, Flaming Arrows, and Fire Damage

As far as I know they essentially gain a secondary weapon that's glued to their regular missile weapon. This weapon hits in sync with the main one. It causes 8 points of armourpiercing fire damage. So your slingers might hit those blacksteel infantery, have their pebbles bounce but still burn the units.

It's a good idea to bring out your fireresistant units once this spell starts appearing.

[ February 23, 2004, 10:16: Message edited by: Wauthan ]
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