I downloaded the Hoburg mod the other day (very well done!) and perused the .dm file to see how things worked. I tweaked the horticulturalists to give them 9 in all types of magic (oh fun, 74 research each) then sent them off into indie 9 provinces to see what spells the AI would cast. Twas most fun.
Fast forward a few days. I finished my Jotunheim game and went back to a Vanheim game I'd started (8 AI opponents, hard difficulty, large map). Partway into the game, I noticed Hoburg casting Gale Gate, then a few turns later Purgatory. No alarm bells rang, I'm ashamed to admit. After mopping up Pythium I turned my attention to Hoburg and noticed a Tarrasque in one of their armies. Hmmm...don't think I've seen those before.... And then I saw the army led by a horticulturalist radiating power and I finally clued in...
So I've switched the Hoburg unit back to their proper settings. The change is not retroactive, of course, so I face an unknown number of horticulturalists with nigh-godlike power but only 5 hit points, not to mention a disturbing number of Tarrasques and other summoned beasties.
I plan on targeting any horticulturalist I see with swarms of seeking arrows. I have 6+ dwarves who can cast Earth Attack but somehow I don't think an earth elemental is going to do the trick. Not sure what to do about the Tarrasques... if paralyze or soul slay don't work I may have to try harsh langugage.
Should make for a most amusing game.
*smacks himself ruefully*