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Old February 12th, 2004, 03:28 AM

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Default Fear and Awe and the Variables

I've been reworking my MIQR for misinformation (which it does have) and I've come across that might help with the understanding of Fear and Awe and the effects of increasing.

For every Path of Death +1 Fear
Items/effects/HoF Bonuses all increase fear by whatever the current factor

Here are the variant levels of Fear

Lesser Fear -4
Lesser Fear -3
Lesser Fear -2
Lesser Fear -1
Cause Fear +0
Cause Fear +1
Cause Fear +3
Cause Fear +4

etc, etc.

Each level of Cause Fear is an AOE by 1 square (as noted in other threads)

I don't know the exact AOE of Lesser Fear, but I believe it only affects the individual of attack or defense of the unit. (It might be individuals in 1 square).

Thus, this changes alot of my formulaic for both Bless Effects and Magic Items.

In my MIQR you will see a change that is reflected to be based on this. (Like a Horror Helmet with be Fear (+5), etc). This means that multiple items, or paths in Death can create variables of fear, allowing you to exploit it and it's morale destroying effects

The second portion is Awe.

The effect of Awe in combat is:
10 + awe + 2D6(oe) vs MRL +2D6(oe)

When an Awe check succeeds, it doesn't allow the opposing unit to attack thus nulling any effect it might have.

Awe is also based off of magicalleadership. It begins at Leadership 100 with Awe(+0). The formula is:

(Magical Leadership -75)/25

It is culmunative with Heroic, Ability and Magic Item Awe.

Awe has increasing levels as with Fear.

Awe (+0)
Awe (+1)
Awe (+2)
Awe (+3)


In my MIQR it will be changed to reflect this change (as it was influenced by high leadership items.

I hope this helps those who have been confused and finding conflicting reports with what they see and what happens in game.

[ February 12, 2004, 04:20: Message edited by: Zen ]
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Old February 12th, 2004, 04:11 AM

rabelais rabelais is offline
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Default Re: Fear and Awe and the Variables

Are you saying leaders with >75 leadership get intrinsic awe?

Please Clarify...

I've had many such leaders and never seen this, which is unfortunate because it sounds like a very good idea.

Your MIQR absolutely rocks btw.

Rabe the Relatively Uninspiring
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Old February 12th, 2004, 04:20 AM

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Default Re: Fear and Awe and the Variables

That is what I was told from Kristoffer, and am lead to believe. This is base Leadership, not any other type (undead, magical).

I have had unsuccessful attempts to recreate it and there may be some factors involved that I don't specifically know.

Perhaps I could get clarification if this is supposed to be the case from Kris or Johan

Edit: Here is a snip from the Email I had concerning the questions. If it's wrong, I understand, since I've been faulty about things as well

It increases every 25 leadership. Seems to start at 75. It is cumulative with
the heroic ability awe.

(Leadership -75)/25 + (Hero_awe_base -75)/25.

4 (IIRC) is is subtracted from the value to get the actual value.

The hero_awe_base increases as long as the hero is on the hall of fame. It is
not displayed. Only the resulting vale is.
So it could be that you don't actually get awe until 175, though I don't know if other things modify this.

[ February 12, 2004, 02:26: Message edited by: Zen ]
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Old February 12th, 2004, 05:29 AM

johan osterman johan osterman is offline
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Default Re: Fear and Awe and the Variables

Just to clear up, you do not get awe just for having 75 in base leadership, you actually have to have an increased leadership, from magic items etc.

[ February 12, 2004, 03:32: Message edited by: johan osterman ]
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Old February 12th, 2004, 05:34 AM

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Default Re: Fear and Awe and the Variables

So 75 total leadership from Items will net you Awe(+0)?
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Old February 12th, 2004, 06:09 AM
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Default Re: Fear and Awe and the Variables

If I understood it correctly, you get awe if your leadership is more than 75. Is this correct?
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Old February 12th, 2004, 06:18 AM

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Default Re: Fear and Awe and the Variables

This is not entirely accurate I have found.

The effect is thus:

You must have at least 100 Leadership of Magical or HoF type (not Natural or Experience Leadership or accumulated from Paths (like Fire)) in order to obtain Awe (+0).

So it's (Magical Leadership -75) /25.

Since this in and of itself is so monumentally rare (as the cheapest way to attain this with the current selection of Magic Items is by using a Scepter of Authority (5 Fire), Whip of Command (5 Nature), Crown of Command (10 Astral) I don't think it will be common practice. Unless Awe becomes much better than it currently is.

[ March 23, 2004, 22:29: Message edited by: Zen ]
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