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Old January 24th, 2004, 09:55 AM

HJ HJ is offline
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Default Acid spells

Is there anything that can protect from these, apart from the armor that will also suffer in the process? If not, then acid storm definitely means a one-way trip, if I'm not mistaken, as there are no units that I've noticed that are immune to it. Or did I miss something?
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Old January 24th, 2004, 10:05 AM

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Default Re: Acid spells

Noone is immune. Only a few different Nations can easily cast this spell.
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Old January 24th, 2004, 12:04 PM

GavinWheeler GavinWheeler is offline
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Default Re: Acid spells

"Only a few different Nations" sounds uncomfortably common, especially in MP games where people are presumably planning for the nastier combinations they can spring on their erstwhile allies.
Thtrap it to the bench and put a good thick bolt of lightning through it, that'th our motto. That'th how you tetht thomething!
- Igor
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Old January 24th, 2004, 12:38 PM

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Default Re: Acid spells

Well. It's 3 Water and 1 Fire for Acid Rain. 2 Water and 1 Fire for Acid Bolt

Atlantis using King of the Deep 3 Water, 2 Random (if he gets one in Fire) 290 can cast rain

Caelum using High Seraph 2 Water , 1 random. Can cast bolt if they get a fire, rain if they add an item.

Tien Chi Base Celestial Master, 1 Fire, 2 Water 1 Random. Possibility to get random in water and cast the rain, or use items, with Spring and Autumn, get 2 Random, better chance to get the third Water.

Not too many nations can do it. I don't think it's quite as common as you'd think.
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Old January 24th, 2004, 05:55 PM

Chris Byler Chris Byler is offline
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Default Re: Acid spells

Originally posted by Zen:
Well. It's 3 Water and 1 Fire for Acid Rain. 2 Water and 1 Fire for Acid Bolt

Atlantis using King of the Deep 3 Water, 2 Random (if he gets one in Fire) 290 can cast rain

Caelum using High Seraph 2 Water , 1 random. Can cast bolt if they get a fire, rain if they add an item.

Tien Chi Base Celestial Master, 1 Fire, 2 Water 1 Random. Possibility to get random in water and cast the rain, or use items, with Spring and Autumn, get 2 Random, better chance to get the third Water.

Not too many nations can do it. I don't think it's quite as common as you'd think.
There's a water boosting misc that only requires 1 water to forge (although it's Cons 6). Water is one of the easiest paths to break into.

You're also forgetting that water is the primary path, so you can get +1 power in it from gems. Furthermore Celestial Masters can lead communions and cast Power of the Spheres (CMs love PotS, they have so many low level paths).

King of the Deep can't get one random in fire - unless they changed him recently, his randoms are linked. He always gets the same thing for both randoms. This makes it less likely that any given KotD will get acid access, and doesn't really benefit the ones that do (at least from the limited perspective of looking just at acid spells), because having more of the secondary path doesn't have any benefit AFAIK.

Machaka has fire mages with randoms. So does Desert Tombs C'tis. Miasma C'tis has a water mage with a random (2-water, IIRC). Arch Theurgs have water and random and can lead communions. Jotun Skrattis have 2 water and random and can lead sabbaths. Arco Mystics have 3 random elemental and can lead communions. Witch Hunters have fire and random and can lead communions. Starspawns have water and random and can lead communions (or do only the mages have water? At least one kind does, anyway). Jade Sorceresses have water and random.

Since you only really need Fire 1 Water 1 (bracelet gets you to Water 2, gem gets you to Water 3), communion is helpful but optional (lets you do it before Cons 6), I think it's safe to say that most nations have potential Acid access, even without counting Jade Sorceresses or site-based mages (there are several with potential Acid access, although I don't know of any with fixed Fire and Water on the same mage). It's easiest for T'ien Ch'i, though - the CM, S&A CM and M5E all have acid access without depending on randoms, IIRC (and Master of the Way has it if he gets fire random). Arco does pretty well with Mystics, too.

This is, of course, not counting gods and empowerment. If acid is that powerful, it makes sense to build an acid-capable god and may even be worth empowering other mages.

So, anyone combat tested the acid spells? Are they really good? Being non-elemental is nice, but they aren't armor-negating, so of limited use against SC (that almost always have high-PROT forged armors and/or Invulnerability spell/item). Can they destroy forged armors? Does that include helms, shields, boots, bracers?

Might be good against Ulm and other heavily armored targets though - Thunder Ward won't protect against it. Does Jotuns' protection come from armor, or is it a high skin protection, or some combination?
People do not like to be permanently transformed and would probably revolt against masters that tried to curse them with iron bodies.
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Old January 24th, 2004, 09:05 PM

Pocus Pocus is offline
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Default Re: Acid spells

There is also Marignon (GM wit water random). Used to have one in a previous PBEM, which was prepared to a suicidal acid storm run (teleporting with a wraith crown and a various other nifty items, like elixir of life, etc.).

Alas the pbem ended because of mutual fatigue of all players still alive (MM hell!).
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old January 24th, 2004, 10:34 PM

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Default Re: Acid spells

From my tests and playing most other nations except those I listed have better spell selections and cost less out of the box to cast. I don't believe they are 'that powerful' but are something to be considered. If you run into someone who uses alot of Fend spells and keep running into your primary element being nulled, you might want to consider it more than I do personally now.

Jotun's protection is i believe 5 Natural Protection and then applied armor.

The Acid Storm is Armor Piercing as well as bolt and spray. I don't know if it always has the enchanted unit with 'weakened armor' or if there is a % chance. With weakened armor all it takes is one hit for it to fall off, doesn't affect magic armors I believe and doesn't matter to Natural protection.

[ January 24, 2004, 20:38: Message edited by: Zen ]
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