October 14th, 2003, 07:12 PM
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Re: Questions about the Niefelheim theme
Originally posted by Pocus:
quote: Originally posted by Nerfix:
If you have good spellcasters, they propably don't have to worry about Drain scale screwing their research. Besides, it is only -2 research points, Skull Mentor can be used to "cure" this.
I have played undead using nations with Drain scale, and it has never bothered me too much. And hey, there is a smaller chance for Manikin-attacks if you have Drain scale.
And it still protects your undead hordes and your precioussssss demons and devils.
check the numbers Nerfix, a magical Jotunheim can have a extremely fast research when based on Seithkona (magic scale +2 : 7 RP), whereas a drain based Jotunheim (drain -2) would have Seith at 3 RP only. Its quite a big fall. And Seithkona are your best mages, cost wise, to make research.
If I can spare my death gems for helping my research, then all the better. Using 100+ death gems to get 100 RP, instead of having say 50 ghosts... the choice is quickly made. Sorry to bring this old topic back, but there is one thing I forgot to mention. When playing Niefelheim theme your magic Users are different. You basically have only two of them and both of them cost 250 gold. So you will be hard pressed to distribute them between blood hunt, research, forging items, casting ritual spells and assisting armies. Drain scale will make all this even harder.