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Old April 10th, 2001, 01:01 AM

Atraikius Atraikius is offline
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Default Formations Question

When making your own formations, the text file allows the inclusion of different ship types in each position.

For example, in the one I have been using with one of my races I have:


Name := Manta
Description := Formation with the leader in the center position and all other ships poised for a flanking maneuver. Intended to provide inproved point defense, and support for offensive carrier operations. (modified Bull formation)
Leader Position Xpos := 10
Leader Position Ypos := 10
Leader Design Type := Carrier
Number of Positions := 17
Position 1 Xpos := 11
Position 1 Ypos := 10
Position 1 Type := Any
Position 2 Xpos := 9
Position 2 Ypos := 9
Position 2 Type := Defense Ship
Position 3 Xpos := 12
Position 3 Ypos := 9
Position 3 Type := Defense Ship
Position 4 Xpos := 7
Position 4 Ypos := 10
Position 4 Type := Attack Ship
Position 5 Xpos := 14
Position 5 Ypos := 10
Position 5 Type := Attack Ship
Position 6 Xpos := 16
Position 6 Ypos := 10
Position 6 Type := Attack Ship
Position 7 Xpos := 5
Position 7 Ypos := 10
Position 7 Type := Attack Ship
Position 8 Xpos := 17
Position 8 Ypos := 9
Position 8 Type := Attack Ship
Position 9 Xpos := 4
Position 9 Ypos := 9
Position 9 Type := Attack Ship
Position 10 Xpos := 9
Position 10 Ypos := 12
Position 10 Type := Any
Position 11 Xpos := 12
Position 11 Ypos := 12
Position 11 Type := Any
Position 12 Xpos := 6
Position 12 Ypos := 11
Position 12 Type := Any
Position 13 Xpos := 15
Position 13 Ypos := 11
Position 13 Type := Any
Position 14 Xpos := 10
Position 14 Ypos := 13
Position 14 Type := Any
Position 15 Xpos := 11
Position 15 Ypos := 13
Position 15 Type := Any
Position 16 Xpos := 10
Position 16 Ypos := 14
Position 16 Type := Any
Position 17 Xpos := 11
Position 17 Ypos := 14
Position 17 Type := Any

I have attempted to restrict certian positions for defense ship and attack ships, with restricting a carrier to the leader position, but it does not seem to matter and the ships still seem to be positioned based on the first constructed being 1, second constructed 2, etc...

Is this a feature that just is not working at this time, is it a bug, or did I just screw it up? Also on the ship type, is this refering to the Attack, Defence, etc..., or can this be the first line of the DesignCreation file so it can be specified for Missile Attack, AA Attack, Beam Attack, etc...

P.S. Would it be possible for this formation to be included in the next TDM_Mod?

Thank You

oops - forgot to add it was a modified Version of the Bull formation.

[This message has been edited by Atraikius (edited 09 April 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Atraikius (edited 10 April 2001).]
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Old April 10th, 2001, 04:16 PM

Atraikius Atraikius is offline
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Default Re: Formations Question

Just bumping this up because I really would like to know if anyone knows about the ship type restrictions in the Formations

I also noticed that posting didn't like the spaces, so I replaced them with (.) so its not just squised to one side.
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Old April 11th, 2001, 03:38 AM

jc173 jc173 is offline
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Default Re: Formations Question

I've run into some similar problems trying to split a large fleet in several smaller divisions/wings during tactical combat. I would try something like split off two DD's an LC and BC to form their own formation, but it would keep positioning the ships according to their relative age rather than in what order I added them to that formation. Which was sort of annoying since it would sometimes seem to leave gaps in the formations.
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