These are some assorted things that seemed unclear to me, but that doesn't mean I consider the rules to be at fault. I could have missed something.
1. If units in several adjacent hexes are activated at the same time by a leader, and units from these several hexes move, must they move 'together'? Can they move separately and to different destinations? If so, do all those movements take place in the same impulse?
2. When is opportunity fire declared? After a movement is completed? If so do you put the moved units back into the hex along their path where the opportunity fire is to have taken place? Or must opportunity fire be declared at the moment that the moving stack enters the hex where opp fire is to happen?
3. In the section on 'spotting' I couldn't tell whether the spotting unit is supposed to do a DR or a dr.
4. By the way, might it be better to use the convention 2dr / 1dr for clarity?
5. Can a unit choose to destroy a support weapon in the part of its rally phase when it otherwise shifts weapons around, picks up or drops them? This might only be of interest to shaken units about to be captured...but since they're shaken they might not have the presence of mind to spike their weapons... still...
6. If I enter a hex with a lone enemy sniper, does it stop my movement or can I continue right through it?
6.1 Perhaps snipers could have extra concealment abilities? Such as being able to fire without automatically being spotted. Or being able to 'hide' while enemy units move through their hex? Perhaps these special abilities could be dealt to snipers, like the ability cards?
7. If I fire on a hex from a distance, are all enemy units in that hex targetted and must face separate damage checks? Or am I just targetting one counter at a time? (it's been almost 20 years since I played Squad Leader, so forgive me

8. Could scenarios be designed which are taking place in 'fog' (where all hexes are treated as 'degrading')?
9. Could scenarios have time based events, such as 'on turn 5...' rather than just LOS and entrance triggered events?
10. Entrance triggered events might be problematic in scenarios if the player is wary that it might be something bad that happens. Playing double blind, if entering that hex isn't absolutely necessary he might just avoid it. This could be a reason to prefer turn based events. But I guess this all depends on how the scenario is thought-through.
11. Are the modified sniper rules in some previous threads on this forum the standard which will go into the full game?
12. If I spill beer all over the game can I get a free replacement?
13. Does smoke degrade or block LOS?
14. Are all the leaders going to be bleedin' occifers? What about the good NCOs?
15. When the anaconda module comes, will there be predators armed with hellfires? !!!
[ November 07, 2002, 09:14: Message edited by: Bamse ]