Yes, the possibilities to mod are vast, and at the same time daunting. I guess it really depends on what the plan for your mod is. If you decide 'just' to make a new adventure for exsisting characters and stay in the same world, you can use most of the files that are provided by the Crown of Magis module. I mean stuff like monster_classes, items, and so on.
OTOH, if you try to make a whole new mod from scratch, you'll not only need skills in modding, but also project management

IMHO the best way to learn is to look at exsisting modules and mods (just like Henk suggests), re-use what you like and make some changes. This is the way that I started my mod, built on the Crown of Magis and it is still 99% of the original data files, while at the same time offering a new challenge, a new plot, and some new places to visit. And while it was never really meant to be a full-fledged mod (originally just a modding testing ground during the beta) or even publicly released, it has turned out reasonably well IMH(and biased)O.
Once you have started to get the hang of it and created a few new things, it becomes much easier and the abilitiy to re-use things is very handy. Just look at 'The Crack of Doom', it is fairly simply build, but at the same time a very nice module IMHO.
Certainly feel free to use any of the stuff that I created, if you like something of it. I have absolutely no problems of sharing my work. And if you have any more specific questions, by all means, ask them.
Hope that helps and have fun modding,
[ April 17, 2003, 15:46: Message edited by: Rollo ]