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Old October 13th, 2002, 08:01 AM
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Default Some ideas

I just sent Aaron a long list of bugs and suggestions for improving DO that my wife (who is more addicted than I am ) and I have accumulated over the Last month of playing. Here are some of the suggestions we made, in case anyone is interested. (Since I'm still trying to figure out what can be modded and what is hard-coded, some of our suggestions may be moddable.)

--Autopause: if there is no action by the character for a minute or whatever, the game should automatically pause.

--You should get experience for killing conjured/summoned creatures (not currently the case).

--A monster with three special abilities should be worth more experience than a monster with no special abilities (appears to not be the case, though I could be wrong).

--Take keyrings a step further: specialized containers that can hold several varieties (inventory slots) of one particular type of item. Like a keyring could only hold keys, a scroll case could hold scrolls, a potion belt for potions, a quiver for arrows, a pouch for shots, a lunchbox (or something like that) for food, etc.

--Have a more gradual progression of special abilities, so that (for example) the current steel carapace appears on level 81 instead of level 11. Then fill in between copper and steel a bunch of levels of carapace with only a small difference between each level. (I hope this made sense.)

--Include broken chests as a possible terrain item.

--Better handling of stacks of items on the floor, such as with a pop-up window to choose what in the stack to pick up.

--Include an option to play either turn-based or real-time. (Pie in the sky, I know, but a guy can dream, can't he? )

--Add an option in a module to strip a character of his/her items and money when the module is created.

--Add Acid as a damage type, including special abilities, resistance, continuing damage (like poison), and items that neutralize poison.

--Side effects for other damage types: fire could burn scrolls, cold could shatter scrolls, magic could temporarily halt mana regeneration, and lightning could, um... zap food? (Fried ale?)

--Items that can cast spells multiple times before being depleted.

--If a monster has a poisonous attack, it should not be able to automatically poison a character with every hit. There should be a chance that a monster injects its poison with ever hit, which is then compared to the targets poison resistance to see if it is poisoned. (This is different from the extra damage due to poison, just the chance to make the target's condition 'poisoned'.)

--Food consumption should increase with strenuous activity, like fighting, casting spells, or carrying too much junk.

--And, since many of my ideas have been adapted (or cannibalized ) from Angband, Nethack, Moria, and the other Rogue-like games I know and love, one more idea to make DO more Rogue-like: add the option to generate continuous, random maps that go deeper and deeper till the max level is reached.

Comments? Criticism? Cash?


[ October 13, 2002, 07:03: Message edited by: Quikngruvn ]
The opposite of war isn't peace... it's creation. --from [i]Rent</i]
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Old October 14th, 2002, 05:44 AM
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Default Re: Some ideas

Great suggestions and ideas, Quikngruvn! I wholeheartedly agree with each and every one of them!
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Old October 14th, 2002, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Some ideas

I emailed Malfador a short list of things I would like to see changed. I also suggested that he play some of the roguelike games so he could see what kind of competition he is facing, especially since most of those games are free. Nothing against Malfador, but I think Ancient Domains of Mystery (www.adom.de) is much better than Dungeon Oddesey. Probably mostly because of the click fest that Dungeon Oddesey is.
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Old October 14th, 2002, 04:55 PM

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Default Re: Some ideas

I can think of several games better than Dungeon Odyssey out of the box. But you can't easily mod any of them, so DO has the potential to be the better game in the long run.

Anyway, something I'd really really like to be added is the ability to move your character with the numeric keypad. Movement with the mouse in a game with DO's more Rogue-like style is really awkward (sp?) for me. Besides, it would reduce the amount of clicking necessary, saving countless people on money for new mice.

[ October 14, 2002, 16:04: Message edited by: Mysterial ]
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Old October 16th, 2002, 12:10 PM
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Default Re: Some ideas

Originally posted by Mylon:
Probably mostly because of the click fest that Dungeon Oddesey is.
How can you possibly typo "odyssey" when it is spelled at the top of the page?
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Old October 18th, 2002, 10:10 AM
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Default Re: Some ideas

Originally posted by Elgnid:
Great suggestions and ideas, Quikngruvn! I wholeheartedly agree with each and every one of them!
Thanks! Now let's just hope they all get implemented eventually....

[edit] Let's also hope I eventually learn how to type.... [/edit]


[ October 18, 2002, 09:12: Message edited by: Quikngruvn ]
The opposite of war isn't peace... it's creation. --from [i]Rent</i]
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