1. Pick an existing Gold race which you want the new race to act like.
2. Open the Gold race's <race>_AI_Settings.txt
3. Highlight and copy the lines from
"Ships don't move through minefields := <true/false>"
"Maximum Anti-Planet Drone Target System Distance := <number>"
4. Open the new race's <race>_AI_Settings.txt
5. Paste the copied text after
"Personality Group := <number>"
6. Save the file.
7. Open the Gold race's <race>_AI_Fleets.txt
8. Highlight and copy the line
"Percentage of Fleets to use for defense := <number>"
9. Open the new race's <race>_AI_Fleets.txt
10. Paste the copied text after
"Fleets Default Strategy := <strategy>"
11. Save the file.
12. The new race is now Gold compatible.

(Note that by "compatible", I mean the race won't produce all those error Messages; this patch will
not teach the AI to build and use drones.)