
March 6th, 2001, 01:30 AM
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Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
Hey All,
Another Day, another Update.
I've just uploaded Version 1.0.10 to the Mods Forum. This Version finally integrates some cross-checking with the TechArea files.
When adding a component the new component is now inserted in front of the current selection rather than placed at the end of the file.
<PageUp> and <PageDown> can now be used to skip through the Components List by Component Family.
Now remembers Last used directory on startup.
"Add" Tech Requirement button now allows you to select from a list of valid techs scanned from a TechArea.txt file. The TechArea.txt file may be selected either from the "File" menu or by clicking on the "Tech Area File" label under the "Tech Requirements" label. When you load a new "Components" file, the Modder will automatically load "TechArea.txt" if it finds one in the same directory.
When you enter a Tech Level requirement, it will be displayed in red if you enter a value higher than the maximum tech level specified for that Tech in the TechArea file.

March 6th, 2001, 02:44 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
Zeno I have to embarass myself for asking these questions but I would like to know.
I downloaded your program but Have no idea of just what it does,and the purpose of it. I was lost on what to do and why do it.
Please do not take this as a rough remark as I am not computer smart at all. If you get a chance could you do a readme file for us babies?

March 6th, 2001, 03:16 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
Run his program and select 'Load' from the file menu. This will let you browse your hard drive for files to open. Go to the SEIV directory and then to the data directory. From there click on 'components.txt' and press Open.
(Many folks have SEIV installed in:
C:\Program Files\Shrapnel Games\Malfador Machinations\Space Empires IV or somesuch. I forget since I put mine in f:\se4)
This simplest functionality of the program is it will let you browse all the components in the game which you can put on your ships. In addition, it will let you create new ones that can then be used in the game. It has other even more advanced functions.
I hope that helps.

March 6th, 2001, 03:21 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update

March 6th, 2001, 03:27 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
> When adding a component the new component
>is now inserted in front of the current
>selection rather than placed at the end of
>the file.
I was just wondering... Is this such a good idea? I was playing with the components file, and added some new techs in the middle of the file... This had two effects... When I loaded a saved game, my fighters were equipped with Repair Bay III's instead of Small Contra-Terrene Engines... And also, when I started a new game up, it kept locking up after the third turn, until I returned to the original components file, and added my changes to the end...

March 6th, 2001, 04:27 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
Good Point. I just posted another revision in which I added separate buttons called "Add" and "Insert", so that you *can* add in the middle but you don't *have* to. I like to add in the middle when extending current families, but I typically don't mod in the middle of savegames.
The "Insert" button will present you with a warning of the consequences to current savegames.
[This message has been edited by Zeno42 (edited 06 March 2001).]

March 6th, 2001, 05:06 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
quote: Originally posted by Stockman:
Zeno I have to embarass myself for asking these questions but I would like to know.
I downloaded your program but Have no idea of just what it does,and the purpose of it. I was lost on what to do and why do it.
Please do not take this as a rough remark as I am not computer smart at all. If you get a chance could you do a readme file for us babies?
No sweat. Everyone has to start somewhere. Like Raynor said, its a program to help you modify the game's spaceship componenets. In addition to Raynor's instructions, you will at least once want to select "Set SE4 Directory" from the "File" menu and then browse to *Any File* in the same directory as Space Empires IV (For example, "se4.exe"). This tells my program where to find the component sounds and pictures.
[This message has been edited by Zeno42 (edited 06 March 2001).]

March 6th, 2001, 05:12 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
Well my main concern was that when I started a brand-new clean game with my mod'ed comp.txt file, the game kept locking up on the second turn until I moved my changes to the end. I don't *think* I had any spelling errors or added/missing lines in my files, but who knows...
Personally, I would like to heavilly re-arrange the original comp.txt file. I would love to see things like all propulsion items grouped together (currently, the solar sail is at the other end of the list from the engines). And most defintely, I'd like to see all of the armors grouped together.
Mebbe I'll try adding things to the middile again and see what happens....

March 7th, 2001, 02:28 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
quote: Originally posted by Codo:
Well my main concern was that when I started a brand-new clean game with my mod'ed comp.txt file, the game kept locking up on the second turn until I moved my changes to the end. I don't *think* I had any spelling errors or added/missing lines in my files, but who knows...
Mebbe I'll try adding things to the middile again and see what happens....
If you have problems doing this - especially with my Modder - please send me the offending file so I can investigate. I have yet myself to have any trouble running fresh games of SEIV with inserted components, but by no means have tested every possible configuration.
As for rearranging the file - I concur. I have actually been toying with the idea of providing some sorting functions to acheive just that end (sort by name, by family, etc)

March 8th, 2001, 01:40 AM
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Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update
I have found a weird bug in the components modder 1.0.11. If I select insert, then cancel (don't go through with it), then add; it will add new copy of the component at the end of the list, which is how it is supposed to be. But, when I delete this new component it stays in the list with empty fields and all new components are added after this one. This only happens if you select insert and then cancel before you add new component.
[This message has been edited by Daynarr (edited 07 March 2001).]
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