100 systems is the standard setup for both the "normal" SE IV and the Mod pack. It depends on your taste and how long you want to play a game to set the max # of systems. I myself like to play SE IV with 250 systems, as many AI controlled races. I normally add 6 or more existing races (Narn, EA, Darlok, Sergetti etc.) and at turn one I turn over all thus created races under full AI control and play myzelf only the created new race at start up. It is normally really challenging this way, because the AI races from the Mod Pack gives you a real good fight, so it takes a lot of time to win (if at all!!) and it's not getting to bore me at all. From time to time it's nice, however, to start a game with 100 systems in stead of 250, with for the rest the settings a mentioned above. These games tend to get very interesting at � turn 70, because we run out of free systems and to further expand we then need to fight!
PERHAPS THIS IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE <Worf facing another critical fight>