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Old December 16th, 2003, 06:18 AM

Patroklos Patroklos is offline
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Default Library of Ship Designs

Hey all,

I am more than sure one of these threads has been made, but I haven't seen one. I have found that some design configurations I have developed follow me throughout my games. Whether just workhorse warships or unique special purpose vessels, I litetaly reconstruct these designs componet for component in each universe. I would love to here some examples of ship architecture from more experiance palyers

So, Please provide...

1)Ship Size

2)Ship Design Type (I get pretty technical here)

3)Class Name

4)Mission Description


6)Strategy and Use Instructions

7)Mod or Vanilla Components


So me first...

Size: Battle Cruiser
Design Type: Cloaked Raider (RC)
Class Name: Commodore

Mission Description: A fast cloaked ships that is designed to penetrate deep into enemy space, behind enemy lines, and attack undefended planets and non-combatant vessels as well as harass warship targets of oportunity either in support of fleet operations or independantly.

-Master Computer
-Engines (6)
-Cloaking Devices
-Scanner Jammer
-Multiplex Sensors (Optional)
-Combat Sensors
-Long Range Scanners
-Tachyon Scanners
-Mine Seeper
-Phased Shield Generator (2)
-Supply Storage
-Telekinetic Projector L (4)

Strategy/Use: As the componet list shows this is a very specialized ship. It goes without saying that you should use the most advanced Version of each compnent available. The design relies on a Master Computer to save space and avoid capture by pychic weapons. Max engines for max speed, to infiltrate territory and chase down victims (or run from pursuit). Cloaking Device to hide position for infiltration purposes. Robust sensor sweet to facilitate making its few weapons count as well as detect/interigate potential targets. Mine Sweeper to aid surviving warp point blockading. Shields for survivability. Supply storage to facilitate operating at range of extended time period. Main battery consists of four large mount Telekinetic Projectors (my personal favorite weapon). Multiplex sensors optional as attacking more than one target should be rare. PDCs are recomended but not nessecary, but target choices should be selected with there inclusion/absence in mind. Note: Mine sweeping capability limited to avoiding the "lucky" mine hit, usually nessecary to punch a hole into an exterior warp point defense sector with main fleet and dedicated minesweepers to infiltrate several of these ships at once. The losses of said fleet action will be worth the chaos created in the next few turns by the Raiders.

I use this ship as the mission suggests. I find that once in enemy territory these ships are invulnerable, limited only by supplies and if the enemy has the techs researched to penetrate the cloak. They are perfect for picking off transports, mine sweeper/layer ships, and unloaded carriers. The older Versions, ie without cloaking fields (RD), relied on storms in enemy territory to operate from, and these are still useful when cloaking must be disabled for whatever reasons. While the Commodore RC above is the primary configuration, there are further secialized vessels.

RC-AC "Cloaked Raider Alliegence Coverter" Weapons battery replace with all Allegience Converters. This is a ship meant to capture ships when exit warp points are available. Good for snaging populations for those odd atmosphere worlds, if the skeleten crew can get the prize home saftely. Also, if a system is ill defended, snagging a lone warship (I find with 5+ Allegience Covernters I rarely do not get a successful hit)and using it to devestate the worlds there is ideal.

RC-S "Cloaked Raider Support" This Version has the main battery replaced with storage supply units, cargo units, and a repair sweet. It operates in conjuction with other raiders, infiltrating a system and setting itself up as a base of operations. Remaining cloaked, operating raiders may rendevous and take on supplies, mines, troops, fighters, or effect repairs.

RC-M "Cloaked Raider Mine" This Version has the main battery replaced with mine layers and cargo containers. These ships use mines to bobytrap internal warp points inside an empire's core territory, predict heavily traficed lines of movement (ie main system space yard to warp points)and seed them with mines, and blockade systems covertly at other strategic points. Must act in conjuction with an RC-S.

RC-CV "Cloaked Raider Carrier" Has main battery replaced with fighter bays and cargo containers. Used as a regular raider but with fighers as main armament. Usually planetary bomber fighters to devestate lightly/undefended enemy interior worlds. Must act in conjuction with an RC-S.

RC-LA "Cloaked Raider Assualt Landing" Main Battery reconfigured with cargo containers and limited planetary weapons. Designed to land troops on lightly defended worlds to capture potential interior base worlds behind enemy lines ahead of a main fleet assualt. Must act in conjucntion with an RC-S.

RC-D "Cloaked Raider Drone" Main battery replaced with drone carriers and cargo spaces. Designed to pick off key major combatants in transit to operating areas, or other targets of opportunity with anti-ship drones. Also for suprise attacks against core planetary bases via ship drones. Must act in conjucntion with an RC-S.

RC-SL "Cloaked Raider Satelite Layer" Main battery replaced with satelite bays to facilitate placing covert spy/intellignece satlites behind enemy/allied lines to allow for covert monitoring. Also capable of planting satilites to blockate a world or wark point. Usually acts in conjucntion with an RC-S.

RC-X "Cloaked Raider Special" Main battery replaced with star/planet destroying or black hole creating weapon.

Mod: Vanilla SEIV Gold.


Looking to see what the rest of you use. Or coments on this design.


[ December 16, 2003, 04:19: Message edited by: Patroklos ]
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