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Old March 10th, 2003, 07:13 PM

Foiden Foiden is offline
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold

Actually, I'm a new convert, but sadly I can't say Atrocities had much to do with why. In a way, it was more of MOO3. I was really interested in MOO3 for some time, possibly due to the big hype it was getting from the strategy community. After reading much of the disappointment of MOO3, I realized that it's probably not the game I want. Not simply from the words but what the words were talking about. Even when the game was explained fully by those who defended it, it just didn't seem like the kind of Space empire strategy game I was looking for. The games I fell in love with always had your solid input about what gets made and a good bit of your direct input into matters of research and production. I don't think I'm looking for the MOO3 kind of macro-management. Not to mention, the lack of a consistant interface also turned me off. I'm familiar enough with strategy games to know that regardless of graphics, a solid, consistant, and quick enough utilitarian interface is super important when enjoying a game that gives you a certain level of control. Heck, even the ministers (automation) idea is new to me. And it seems like the setup on Space Empires is actually a nicer introduction to selective-automation.

But before I even mention about Space Empires. Let me stay on target here. I ended up just doing a web search for Best 4X strategy game as I wanted to get impressions from reviewers and more importantly strategy fans about current games in the genre. Guess what game turned up more than any other? Space Empires IV. I read a bunch of stuff about what people thought of the game and it convinced me to find the developer web page and download the demo. I wanted to see whether the game was too over my head as most people said that 4X games dont get much deeper or complex than this.

The demo tutorial made the game controls seem quite easy, and was quick to get me up to grips with how to get started (even though the tactics were left up to me to find out). So after my initial worry was quelched, I was convinced perhaps this is the game that is easy to jump into and with a complexity to make me feel I can do all the things I can imagine in Sci-fi and more. All the while, making it seem that I really don't have to do too much micromanagement of things on planets. The build and research queues are really nice, and I was delighted to see how cool building ships are, in this game. I've never seen anything where I can have such level of control on building ship designs before. And the interface on doing so is as simple and intuitive I couldn't think of better. Precisely what I'm looking for. So I placed my order.
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Old March 10th, 2003, 07:35 PM

Aloofi Aloofi is offline
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold

Well, I bought SE4 in January. I got to it through the Gold Demo printed in the Computer Games Magazine monthly demo CD. I got the reviews from the same magazine and from GamesDomain.com.uk.

And yeah, I was waiting for MOO3 too. Now I don't want to know about it. Don't need to.

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Old March 10th, 2003, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold

I've been posting some info about SE:IV at the trekbbs site to gather more interest about the game and the Star Trek mod, a few people have been interested so far...maybe they'll buy.


Shrapnel has an affliate program, you can earn a few $'s from them for all the people you've turned on to the game .
Space Empires Depot | SE:V Balance Mod
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Old March 10th, 2003, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold

What are sales like for se4 gold?
Shrapnel has said that SE IV Gold is consistently their best selling game. A few months ago, they announced that it had passed $500,000 in sales.
Cap'n Q

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Old March 11th, 2003, 02:21 AM

Amonra Amonra is offline
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold

I'm really thinking about getting Gold. I missed the boat in getting it for the discounted price...in chasing after MOO3, and that game is pure garbage! Well, i've been Banned from posting there under two different usernames by that NAZI Sencho...anyway...I diverge.

I didn't wanna pay for a upgrade to SEIV, but it's going to be over a year before the next game, and many of the 1.49 games at SEIV.PBW are getting few and far between. Anyway, It's a matter of principle in supporting the Malfador Guys for having the bext 4X game out on the market...hands down!

To Aaron and crew, PLEASE don't go the route of Quarksilver...those clowns messed up one of the best games series I've ever played . I'm trying to be cheap and wait for Starfury, but I'm feigning for great 4X..I'm so burnt on Xbox...
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Old March 11th, 2003, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold

Originally posted by Amonra:
To Aaron and crew, PLEASE don't go the route of Quarksilver...those clowns messed up one of the best games series I've ever played . I'm trying to be cheap and wait for Starfury, but I'm feigning for great 4X..I'm so burnt on Xbox...
Just one note: It was infogrames who ruined the game, not Quicksilver.

But nevertheless, welcome to SE4!
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Old March 11th, 2003, 02:31 AM
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold


I just got booted today, when did you get the boot? I kept asking for my money back and it annoyed the heck outta those clowns. SEIV rocks!

This is a great community, and there's SO much customization that it'll seem overwhelming at times. I absolutely love this game, and was bummed by how bad a game MOO3 was, but more business for SEIV series.
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Old March 12th, 2003, 05:12 PM
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Default Re: Promoting SE4 Gold

There is a related topic on Slashdot today...

Someone with an account there could surely drum up some business for Shrapnel
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