�What's your micromanagement tolerance level?.
I have se4gold for a year now. My tolerance is superior, I can handle it. But when i have over 40+ worlds green astricks,3 enemy empires,200 ships in a 200 solar systems.Then i start to need Ice on my head. I used ministers,Which work in a sorry way for me. I tried?, I DIED!. Hopefully this will be address to MM in a patch, which somebody can list its faults.
Additional questions listed below.
1) Does SEIV involve a lot of micromanaging?
2) Does SEIV feel like there's a lot of micromanaging involved?
3) Does anybody happen to know of a computer game that involves more micromanaging than SEIV?
1) Only to Very later progress in the game.theory above.
2) Depends upon the player.But I dont believe so.
STARS is a runner up. BOTF is ABSOULUTY NOT.