>~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~<
Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement
~~~ CLICK ON >>>
(((> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 <))) <<< To Get ~~~
For the most resent Posts: Please view Last Page.
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Version History for AI Campaign v4.191 ~ June 18, 2004
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Updated for SPACE EMPIRES IV newest Version ~(v1.91)
AI Players Economic and Infrastructure delayed.
AI Balance adjusted to be little more advantages towards the Human Players.
Removed Limits on most Armor ~ PTF
Smaller Version of Leaky Armor ~ SJ
Revised Psychic Racial Trait ~ QB
Neutral Images from Custom Race Portraits at jdtaylor.home.mindspring.com
Shuffled and added a few.
Lowered Starliner Costs 40 to 60% ~ Oleg
Default {Starter map} ~ Fyrons FQM
Many tweaks and a few surprises
Features Fyron�s FQM add-on ~Fyron, Pathfinder, QB
Reduced Repair Component upkeep for Multiplayer option
Improved accuracy for many (high level) beam and torpedo weapons ~Oleg, GLV
Medical Teams II at Med tech 1 ~Oleg
Added (tiny) Planet creator ~QB
Mladenoff suggested Devnull additions:
Sprint Missile ~Rollo and Devnull Mod, GM
Missile Pods ~Rollo and Devnull Mod, GM
Heavy Bombardment Missile ~Rollo and Devnull Mod, GM
Raised Stellar Manipulations Tech Cost
Reduced Colonizer Tech Research ~QB
Added External Mount Missile Weapons ~GM, Rollo
Orbital Resource extraction Station
Many much improved item descriptions ~Deccan
Human Player Empire files for all races.
AI Player Empires files are in the Extras folder.
Orbital Resource Station will probably be just in Multiplayer
Resupply Base although unlikely, also may be moved to multiplayer
Most AI general files completed.
Some beta AI player tweaks for FQM add-on.
Gosho Mladenoff is presently testing new AIC designs that may be ready for the next release. Other players are contributing new Components and Facility designs. We will hold of on the AI design and research tweaks until the new designs are finished and tested.
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AIC v4.01
Features Alneyan�s v1 Characteristics Values.
-NEW- Multiplayer Module
Higher values for Research and Mineral Resource Facilities for Multiplayer games.
Planet Lore revised for the Organic Races ~Oleg, GLV
Refining and Agrarian Urban Structures revised ~Oleg, GLV
Revised some facilities costs.
-NEW- additional Multiplayer Facilities.
Raised most Research Facility levels.
Tweaked some facilities
-New- Multiplayer Repair Bay Compartment of 8.
Revised Repair Bay Compartments.
Reduced Open Warp costs ~GLV, Alneyan
Reduced Create Planet Costs ~QB
AI Minesweeping Components Ability at Se4 5 max
Added Small Meson BLaster Fighter Weapon ~Oleg
Added Small Graviton Beam Weapon ~Oleg
Revised some Component costs.
-NEW - Multiplay
Freighter was the Small StarLiner.
Medium StarLiner is available with ship Const.2 ~Oleg
Large StarLiner will also appear earlier in your game now.
Fast Colonizers go a little faster ~GLV
Resupply Space Station fuel storage raised to 20kt.
Ship-moved is now a CAT event and has been removed from some Default zips ~Oleg
Tweaked AI
Designs names have been added to Dsnames folder ~Clark
Added Fyrons
http://dna.spaceempires.net/ shortcut for many more design names.
Reduced Asteroid resource values for Non-Finite Games ~Oleg
Next AIC Version will features Pathfinders FQM add-on with up-dated AI Players that can deal with the most industrious astro-miner
Future AI Campaign Versions to include Deathstalkers AIC Mount Modd, additional AI Player Races and much more.
AIC v3.02
The AI now starts with the ability to build a Planet Engineering type Facility ~Oleg and PTF
The Engineering Culture to a greater degree then the Science Culture AI Players will exploit Planet Utilization sooner then all other AI Races ~Compromise
It takes much longer for the AI to replace lost Ships, in all AI bonus games.
Reduced the effects as much as 50% for AI Players individual Ship Mine Sweeping Abilities ~Mottlee
Intel Projects have less PreReqs For the Human Player ~SunDev, GLV and QB
Revised Planet Utilization, now easier and faster to Convert an Atmosphere for the Human Players.
Further improved the smaller War Ship Maneuverability modifiers for the Human Player.
Scout, escort, frigate, and possibly the destroyer may have a creditable To Hit value; without an early Combat Sensor.
Satellite Armor Reduced to 5kt with an increase in resistance ~Oleg
Intel Projects:
Revised AI and Human Player Intel Projects less PreReqs For the Human Player.
Fix one of the AI Projects ~SunDevil
Revised some descriptions for Intel Projects ~GLV
Quadrant Maps:
Revised some Images and added some more abilities for your Centurion System ~Oleg
Added a few special items for the systems.
Reorganized Traits Menu Option 1 is back to best Planet. (v3.02 Complete Only)
Strategic Fighters are now found with the Multiplayer Trait options. (v3.02 Complete Only)
AI players Atmospheric Converters are in Beta
AI Troops vs. Human Troops are in Beta
AI Psychic Intel File is in Beta
AIC Version 3.02 Update files only.
Updates AIC 3.00 Versions, Only .
AIC v3.02 update, will
NOT break existing v3.xx saved games)
Please download AI Campaign v3.02 Complete if you never received your copy of � AI Campaign.
LINK > AIC v3.02 <
In simultaneous games: After Updating or Patching, it is recommended that you log into the Host and then end your turn. The game will start you right were you left off. Please check your designs and if they are fine, you are good to go!
AIC v3.01a
Intel Projects:
Expanded the Psychic Intel Projects, some available at Psychic Studies level one.
Revised AI and Human Player Intel Projects.
Quadrant Maps:
Added more Centurion Systems.
Revised most Quadrant Maps to be a little more AI friendly.
Added a few special items for the systems.
Added a few more Moons to the Systems
Reorganized quadrant menu.
This update further reduces AI early expansion, in most none to Low bonus games.
Reduced AI starting Intel points 25%.
Restructured Resource Storage for Human Players.
Added Crystalline (RAD) Value Improvement Plants ~GLV
Removed the ability for Human Players to build Psychic Meditation Retreats.
Psychic Intelligence Center 1 and 2 levels and all are available with just Psychic Technology.
Improved the smaller War Ship Maneuverability modifiers for the Human Players.
Added new Medium Star Liner Images to Extras Folder ~GLV
Lowered Robo-Miners size so extra supply may be installed on Small Transport.
Rad Robos may have Three Per Vehicle now.
Starting Empire Point Storage Increased about 33% for all Human Player Races ~Oleg
AIC Version 3.01 Update files only.
Updates ALL AIC Versions .
AIC v3.01 update, will
NOT break existing v3.00 saved games)
Please download AI Campaign v3.01 Complete if you never received your copy.
~now available for download~
Exponentially Game Play increases, AI Bonus Levels, and Strategic Fighters added
Tripled starting research for the Human Player.
NEW* Strategic Fighter Movement as a (free) trait option and can be removed for multiplayer.
Revised AIC Tactical Fighter Mod to incorporate Strategic Fighters (More equipment can be added).
AI is now less over bearing in None and Low computer Bonus games.
AI sweeps fewer mines in None bonus games. (Human player Mine fields are more effective early)
Metropolis and higher urban centers complete with orbital repair.
Human Players Evolution Increased.
Slowed AI Players Opening game Evolution.
Slightly slowed AI Players Middle Game Evolution.
Increase to the AI Players Late game Evolution.
New* Large Starliner (To increase games Colony expansions)
Increased research for most Urban Centers.
Decreased construction times for some Urban Centers and Research Facilities.
Easier to Build and upgrade Multiple Levels of deferent types of Urban Centers at the same Time.
New* Added Urban Center level.
New* Racial Cities.
Revised Religious Facilities for multiplayer considerations.
Lowered Construction Cost for Space Ports.
Religious Talisman can be placed on a variety of vehicle types.
Resupply Pod fixed ~ QBrigid
NEW* SM 1 Create Small Sized Planet, for the Human Players.
Lowered some additional non-destructive Stellar Manipulations Components Costs.
House Keeping near Finished now with most Components and Facilities Organized.
When you scroll thru the design menu, it has a much neater and professional look. Thanks SJ, for the suggestions.
AI Files:
Slight Randomization of a few AI personalities.
I normally do not post any AI specific changes, as not to spoil some surprises.
Changed a few Political accept system AI entries~Sundevil
Increased the beginning sy construction rates slightly for new colonies.
Lowered Med Starliners Tech Requirement (enters Game earlier.To increase games Colony expansions)
Lowered research of Computer Techs to se4 default of 50k.
Reduced un-Mothball rate, so too break even is about one year.
Computer Bonus that is set for Default=NONE: AI is a good.
Computer Bonus that is set for Low: AI is a challenge.
Computer Bonus that is set for Medium: AI is Very challenging.
High Computer Bonus. (Recommended For some Multi Human Player Games)
Tweaked most AI Files.
AI Campaign plays very smooth now in LAN multiplayer games, with AIC v3.00.
Please download AI Campaign v3.00 Complete if you never received your copy.
AIC Version 3.00 Upgrade files only. (Size; only 315 kb)
Updates ALL AIC Versions .
Will break existing AIC saved games)
Increased the ability for the AI to have a few more ships in the LATE GAME.
Increased over v2.90 for the AI only to warp in No Warp Point Games a few more years.
Added Orbital Repair Ability to General CCs.
Added University of Psychic Studies to the Psychic Culture Center ~ QB.
Added Abilities for the Metropolis and World Cultural Center.
Fixed Typo on the Religious Settlement ~ GLV.
Fixed Drone Jacketed Engine ~ Fryon.
Fixed Basic LS ~ Fryon
Lowered ALL Sick Bays Medical PreReqs.
Increase the effectiveness of the Religious Talisman.
Inhanced Medium Tech Game Starts ~ Designed By Desdinova.
Fixed some typos.
AI Files:
Space Empires; Race AI Complement Completed.
Praetorian Designs ~ GLV
Toltayan Designs ~ GLV
Sallega Designs ~ QB
Disadvatage AI = Ship Yard 2 raised to SY Tech 3
Disadvatage AI = Does not receive Warp Openers at SM 1
Disadvatage AI = It is now somewhat easier to capture some of the AI Ships.
Slight Randomization of a few AI personalities.
I normally do not post any AI specific changes, as not to spoil some surprises.
Medium Tech Game Starts ~ Designed By Desdinova.
Allowing the Human and AI players to have and advanced tech start.
Systems have been named after some of those who contributed to AIC. If you wish your named removed, please E-Mail to
Please download AI Campaign v2.91 Complete if you never received your copy.
AIC Version 2.91 Upgrade files only. (Size; only 390kb)
Updates ALL AIC Versions .
Will break existing AIC saved games)
AIC Version 2.91 Patch files only. (Size; only 390kb)
Updates v2.90 only .
NOT break existing AIC v2.90 saved games)
NEW* Commercial Income Value assigned on some facilities with AIC Finite Mod.
NEW* Organics are abundant and Radioactive are more rare in the AIC Universe. However all Industrial Space yards always receive priority of goods.
Improved* Finite Friendly (Dual plus) Race Class CCs~ DES
Lowered some AI's income in the AI Balance Mod.
Revised some Imperial Trade Income Values for AIC Finite Economics Mod.
Some revisions in AIC Tactical Fighter Mod.
Lowered Some AI Mine Sweeping Abilities in AIC AI Balance Mod.
Adjusted AI (theoretical traded) Colonizer Modules in AIC AI Balance Mod.
Lowered AI Open Warp distance in AI Balance Mod.
Human Player Evolution speed increased about 10-20% overall.
Added AIC General Trait-Tie Racial Construction to Settlements.
NEW* Racial class Settlements.
NEW* Planet Lore for the Organic Race.
NEW* Religious Culture Center for the Human Player.
Revised Urban Family Progressions and costs.
Added another Nature Shrine Level for Religious Races.
Added more Abilities to all Culture Centers.
Increased level 2 and 3 Research Facilities about 25%.
Lowered Construction cost of Resupply Depot 20%
It is also faster to build a Space Port also about 25%.
New* Repair Base Station Component's ~ Des and PTF
New* Miniaturized Life Support replacing HLS ~ PTF
New* Fighter Solar Collector ~ LAN
NEW* Engineering Section ~ Krsqk
New* Sick Bay.
New* Basic Crew Quarters.
Added two new early Warp Open Components for Human Players.
Extra levels for the Combat Bridge ~ GLV
Revised some Fighter Weapons and Tech Requirements ~ GLV
Added Fighter shield level with all revised sizes ~ Oleg
Added Fighter Armor ~ Oleg
Revised SYS Component Repair ~ PTF
Revised Some Structure KT Sizes ~ PTF
Gestation Vat Fix ~ PTF
Medium Tech Starts Fix ~ Des
ECM VII fix ~Des
Lowered Supplemental Colonizer Module size.
Drone Launcher cargo increased.
Lowered cost for Ring and Sphere World as well as most productive SM Components.
Revised Robo-Mining Base and Ship Mining Vessels; More Profitable.
House Keeping near Finished now with most Components and Facilities Organized.
When you scroll thru the design menu, it has a much neater and professional look. Thanks SJ, for the suggestions.
AI Files:
Slight Randomization of a few AI personalities.
No Warp style games optimized:
Reduced Sizes and Costs on some Stellar Manipulation Components.
Planetary Engineering back to se4 default tech tree.
The added research 25% expedites research time some what faster for No warp or isolated games .
Revised some AI Stellar Manipulation techniques.
Tweaked AI Research and Const Vehicle Files. (Most races are staggered, they all do not open warps at or near the same time actually some are very late openers now)
Two new Warp Open Components starting at SM Tech ONE. Opens you up to all the Systems with in your Home Cluster (6-12 systems) when Playing either Galaxies map. SM 3 will get you to the next Cluster. Note: AI initially warps its original home Cluster as well.
Lowered Infantry structure in the attempt to give Troop vehicles a prominent role in combat and to increase the effectiveness of standard orbital bombardment in AIC. Cheap Militia type Infantry now die or FLEE quicker and Troop Vehicles with Armor Stand their Ground far more valiantly. Balance tips and suggestions are much welcomed here.
I would like to thank {PTF} for the many hours of Play Testing and Suggestion with all AIC and especially No Warp Style optimization for AIC.
AI Campaign UPDATE 2.02
Included with Upgrade:
Slowed AI Players
starting progress.
Large Star Liner added room for Solar Collectors :~ Thanks, Desdinova.
Temporal BSY Tree :~Thanks desdinova
Mining Complex same family upgrade from a mining Colony Facility : ~Thanks, GLV.
Fast Colonizers : ~Thanks GLV
Temporal Base Yards adjusted : ~Thanks GLV.
Space Yard Tech: Early Tech cost lowered: ~Thanks LAN,PTF.
Revised Mining OutPosts and Organic Domes. : ~Thanks LAN
Improved Combat to-hit Sats : ~Thanks LAN
Improved Fighter weapons : ~Thanks LAN
Reduced AI Mega Evil : ~Thanks Oleg
Improved Fighter Shields : ~Thanks Oleg
Turreted Cannons lowered and only targets Fighters now :~ Thanks, Oleg
AI Tweaks (No Warp Games & Finite) :~ Many thanks to PsychoTechFreak for Time, Effort and Help with SE4batch tester.
Major Balance Tweaks for Finite play :~Thanks PsychoTechFreak,GLV,LAN
AIC Version 2.02 files only . (size 224kb)Updates ALL AIC Versions. (Will break existing games)
Note: PATCH v2.02p (size 225kb) is for v2.01 only.
The top line in the Components File should read
AIC v2.01, and not followed by a p; see example below <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
If you just patched the original release
(check top line in the Components File AIC v2.01p) , then this patch may break current game in progress.
With either patch, when your game is finished it is recommended you update AI Campaign with the AIC Version 2.02 files only download. (size 224kb)
AI Campaign Update; Version 201
If you are currently have a AIC game in progress; download just
AIC Patch 201p
NOT break existing AIC games.
(recommended to backup the AICampaign Sub Directory)
If you have already downloaded AI Campaign and want updated files(5) prior to starting a new AIC game:
AIC file update v201 this will break an existing AIC Game.
Over write with winzip or Copy Paste c:\unzipped\AICampaign\data\ Components.txt and Facility.Txt to its appropriate SE4 gold\AICampaign\Data sub folder.
Note in Simultaneous games:
After patch installed (resume) your AIC game and (log in under host) End turn.
That�s it you are were you left off!!!
If your Ship and Unit designs are fine; your good to go!
Version 2.01
1:~ System Gravitational Shield facility (human tech 2 to 1)
2:~ Nature Shrine weak (enhanced slightly)
3:~ Fighter Torpedo Weapon Families (different families)
4:~ Tweaked AI to better utilize Computer Players Bonus options! (AI little easier; AI slower now to develop at Computer Player Bonus:` NONE` raise for desired challenge).
5:~ "Population Life Support Module�, "CDM" listed twice as abilities.
6:~ Ionic Shield Generators (Obsolete)
7:~ Removed Cargo of 2 from most Components!
8:~ Lowered Point-Defense on the Turret Cannons and Armed Cockpit.
9:~ Added higher Levels to Talisman tops at 50%
10:~ Space Yard Facility cost lowered substantially. Inline with SE4 Base.
11:~ Research increased slightly for Colonial Communities.
12:~ Revised Pre-reqs for Recourse Sats.
13:~ Resource Dome Compartment (reduced space taken)
14:~ Reduction in production for Lower level OutPosts, Stations and Organic Domes.
15:~ Added Organic Replicant Center
16:~ Returned 3 early levels of Gestation Vats@ 1-2-3 Revised levels 4-6 (only in update)
Tidied up some Text and Descriptions.
Thanks SJ, Oleg, SLG and Emails for their suggestion.
Please Click (((>AI Campaign<))) below for Patch, updated files or Complete Version 201.
<small>[ July 24, 2004, 17:19: Message edited by: JLS ]</small>