Re: Please Read
Background Information, (over simplified):
Not having anti virus protection is like not putting oil in your car. At some point your system is going to crash and you might take someone down with you.
Email viruses work by:
You receive an email with an attachment. Frequently this email is from someone you know and trust.
You double click it thinking it is a valid file
You have just activated the virus and you don't even know it.
The virus goes through your address book
Frequently it Takes a random name from your address book and places it on the From line
It then Sends an email with the infecting attachment to as many people on your list as possible. It arrives "From" the name it selected.
The most common virus of this nature is the, "Klez". There are many many Versions of it.
The current virus that is spreading is "Big Boss".
Eventually these viruses will do some form of damage including but not limited to leaving your system open for participation in Denial of Service attacks on another computer and eventually cleaning your hard drive.
I hope this helps folks.
[ January 20, 2003, 12:09: Message edited by: Gryphin ]