All the gee-whiz Nazi waste-of-time Wunder-Waffen projects would have been of no consequence
Certainly, had the Germans not collapsed a bit ahead of schedule, the Berlin Bomb would have been dropped.
However, any simulation that allows the deployment of any number of Mauses is into the 'what if' space. Some of the almost deployed late war weapons were not a waste of time and effort. The Panther II and the Panther Uhu would have been useful, as was the Stg44. (And the wunderwaffe programs served a very useful purpose for the draftable engineers wanting to avoid the Eastern Front.)
Also, there is some slender speculation that the Germans might have had the capability of deploying a 'dirty nuc' HE warhead/bomb. One could imagine a 1945/46 MAD scenario with the Germans that would have been impossible US vs. Japan. Here we are into Turtledove territory, but Panzer46 is not beyond the bounds of the possible.
Hence, I am delighted to have the new OOB.