Cross Link Scenarios: Coding of core force and Sta
Cross Link Scenarios: Coding of core force and Standardization of mission types
Campaign structure
4-5 Theatre of Operations (each) consist of:
3-6 Chapters (each) consist of:
2-3 Missions (following the order of Secondary, Primary, Bonus)
Replacement points are given at the start of each Chapter.
The outcome of the Secondary mission will lead to a choice of 2 or more (slightly different) Primary missions and will determine the Primary mission type.
The outcome of the Primary mission (may lead to a Bonus mission) will determine the next level of Adjustable Difficulty by re-directing the campaign to the appropriate (level of difficulty) Link Scenario.
Each Theatre of Operations may include an increase of organic core force units for the player�s army. This will simulate the promotion factor and the evolving level of command. The player will start the campaign commanding a platoon and the evolution of his army will be the following:
First (Introductory) Theatre of Operations (Command level): Platoon (Fixed forces)
Second Theatre of Operations (Command level): Company (addition of fixed forces)
Third Theatre of Operations (Command level): Battalion (addition of fixed forces)
Fourth (Alternate history) Theatre of Operations (Command level): Reinforced Battalion (the player will receive a lot of replacement core points and he will add his own selection of forces (open force selection)
The mission types should follow a pattern of Standardization based on the following activities/parameters:
1. AI basic tactics related with scenario adjustable difficulty
2. Method and quality of randomized (% percentage of AI's reinforcement VP objectives)
3. Relation between Mission battles, Victory level and core replacement points
The coding refer to the evolution of the player's army and represents/describes:
1. The possible max strength (zero casualties battles),
2. The anticipated/average organic strength,
3. The level of adjustable difficulty,
4. The possible max experiencece (zero casualties battles),
5. The estimated/average experience
The most difficult task will be to design and coding the "Tree" of the campaign in relation with the adjustable difficulty.