Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
Well, I need to go to work... but just wanted to post and say two things.
First... DAMN!
Second... well, did they ever refer to the thirteenth tribe of Kobol as a human tribe explicitly? It is apparent that the society that lived on Kobol was fairly advanced, and there was an exodus where the twelve tribes that formed the twelve colonies forgot most of their accomplishments from Kobol. What if one of those accomplishments was the creation of a thirteenth tribe (AKA, Cylons)? So, the final five could be considered the surviving models created on Kobol, and the toasters created in the twelve colonies were simply a re-discovery of what once was on Kobol, and these in turn spawned the other seven meat Cylons. The Cylons among the thirteenth tribe had long ago discovered the secret of reproduction that the seven colonial cylons are after, and had integrated themselves into Earth society... perhaps bringing along the Greek-ish culture of Kobol/Twelve Colonies?
Or maybe it's something completely different.
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