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Atrocities October 7th, 2006 12:10 AM

OT: Season 3 BSG

All in all I have to say that I am really dissappointed by where BSG has gone especially after seeing the premier for season 3.

It seems to me that the series once again has changed channels so to speak, yup they did it too us again, as the old plot was scrapped for the new plot. It really just takes you out of the moment that you spent a year and a half getting into.

It is like they said.. "well this story line is limited, lets remake the show." And that is what they did. Now its BSG Iraq and that just irks me to no end.

Too many things went down without any explamination or back story. Lee got fat, Kira has a kid albeit in a somewhat 'oh ya by the way' kind of a way, Tie's lost and eye, and the former president is alledgely executed. Sure the shorts on scifi.com fill in one or two small blanks, but not near enough to make watching them worth while.

Now Sharon is a good cyclon back in with the fleet and on Adamas friends list... the show just took a 90 degree turn into way the hell out their territory and I find it hard too follow. Hell I found myself wanting to turn the show off and watch something else... That never happened before.

While no one really knows where their going with the show, and frankly I don't think they even know at this point with all the times that they have "re-invented the show."

I will keep on watching but at this point I am rapidly loosing interest in what I thought was one of the best sci-fi series to come along in a very long time. The first 15 episodes of Season 2 account for nothing now. The show just seems lost and a drift to the whim of the writers and their "hey this seems cool" story of the week cafeenated highs.

I hope I am proven wrong and the show picks up, but to be honest, there are some huge *** plot holes that need to be filled in before I can ever get behind this show 100% again.

cshank2 October 7th, 2006 01:09 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
I just like how violent it's getting! Suicide bombs, stabbing dudes in the throat and killing b3bies? Rockin'.

Randallw October 7th, 2006 02:18 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
Huh, well I have a friend who gives me copies of the episodes so I'll see it soon, but I would probably keep watching it. I don't really care about that sort of stuff, for example I could say I've watched the Star Wars movies 500 times but it would be more exact to say i've watched the space battles 500 times. As long as BSG is Sci-fi with spaceships and stuff I'll keep watching. Now Lost, I watched every episode of the first season and started to watch the second but got as far as the introduction of some latina woman I hated from the moment she turned up. For the sake of my old love of it I kept watching, then she shot one of the main characters and I thought "yes, well maybe I'll skip it till she's dead" (having heard she was a diva and would soon get the boot). Now she's dead from what I hear but I've lost interest. I have no plans to even bother watching now, though I've sort of kept up on what was happening from reviews.

Renegade 13 October 7th, 2006 02:26 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
Up here in Canada, we get BSG season 3 starting tomorrow. As such, I don't have an opinion on it yet http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...ies/tongue.gif

thorfrog October 7th, 2006 02:56 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
I have to disagree with you. This show rocks. Hey it's not Star Trek with happy endings and I'm glad it's not. Besides how many times have we seen that model. I'm glad the show is relevent to the times. I'll keep this on Tivo. This is the best SciFI show out there.

MasterChiToes October 7th, 2006 03:24 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
Lost looks to be better this season than last.

***** BSG SPOILERS *****

Battlestar Galactica... not so thrilling so far. The Galactica is nothing more than a 'comma'... it isn't the best ship in the fleet, and the show isn't even about the fleet.

The stuff on the planet doesn't even make sense... the humans with all their political and social experience can't deal with the cylons, and the cylons for some fool reason need to occupy the planet instead of managing the zoo from orbit. Both the cylons and the humans fail to realize that with under 50k humans left, they'd need to be treated as an endangered species... yet both groups don't seem to put much value in people's lives.

I found it hard to sit through for two hours.

Wade October 7th, 2006 03:46 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
Battlestar Galactica is becomming even more of a soap opera. Perhaps the creators are trying to appeal to a wider audience...women.

Atrocities October 7th, 2006 03:58 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

thorfrog said:
I have to disagree with you. This show rocks. Hey it's not Star Trek with happy endings and I'm glad it's not. Besides how many times have we seen that model. I'm glad the show is relevent to the times. I'll keep this on Tivo. This is the best SciFI show out there.

I didn't compare it too star trek or any other show. To me the show seems to change its story lines as if the creator and writers don't really know where to take the show. "Hey this is cool, lets do this for a while." Just doesn't seem like something that interests me over time. They were cutting edge in season two then in the last few episodes they just went down hill fast. I am not alone in that POV, as many fans voiced dissappointment in the ending episodes of Season 2.

From what I have read most fans are as I am, perplexed as to what in the hell is going on. If they were going to do an Iraq war peace, they should have developed it more rather than jumping into it by just saying "one year later."

We lost a year. To me that means we no longer are watching BSG, but rather a spin off of BSG.

Combat Wombat October 7th, 2006 04:07 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG

Wade said:
Battlestar Galactica is becomming even more of a soap opera. Perhaps the creators are trying to appeal to a wider audience...women.

It has been way to much of a soap opera from the start. I cannot watch the show without geting the urge to throw up. The story is so scattered and the characters so bad the way the act is completely not how anyone would act in the situations they are in. Jesus alot of the characters are supposed to be highly trained military personal but they act like 5 year old in their interaction with each other. I have to say that the original even with all of its flaws is still far better than the new BSG. It is almost as bad as the made for tv scifi/horor movies they keep insisting to make. Arrg only reason to goto the scifi is for Stargate and sometimes Eureka.

Wade October 7th, 2006 04:13 AM

Re: OT: Season 3 BSG
I agree with every thing that Combat Wombat just stated.

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