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Old March 6th, 2001, 05:06 AM

Zeno42 Zeno42 is offline
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Default Re: Another SE4 Comp Modder Update

Originally posted by Stockman:
Zeno I have to embarass myself for asking these questions but I would like to know.
I downloaded your program but Have no idea of just what it does,and the purpose of it. I was lost on what to do and why do it.
Please do not take this as a rough remark as I am not computer smart at all. If you get a chance could you do a readme file for us babies?

No sweat. Everyone has to start somewhere. Like Raynor said, its a program to help you modify the game's spaceship componenets. In addition to Raynor's instructions, you will at least once want to select "Set SE4 Directory" from the "File" menu and then browse to *Any File* in the same directory as Space Empires IV (For example, "se4.exe"). This tells my program where to find the component sounds and pictures.


[This message has been edited by Zeno42 (edited 06 March 2001).]
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