Although AI Campaign does play multiplayer, I feel Peters 'Parent' Proportions plays Multiplayer smoother and faster. Proportions has been my favorite game since I found it on the SE4 gold CD when it first hit the market. That is why I asked Peter if I could use it for AI Balances interface; back in May 2002.
Matter a fact Peter was extremely helpful with the Interfaceing, between the scores of Emails I have.
I learned a lot from Peter in this time, and I am proud that I was part of Starliner cargo, Combined facilities, Abbidon and Cue Cappa in Proportions; And I hope to continue on the Proportions team
Well it ggetting late here on the East Coast,I best turn in; night Oleg
[ March 01, 2003, 04:59: Message edited by: JLS ]