Good Ideal - You can also check out the main directory of the "TDM-ModPack" as most of the AI modders heavily comment their changes by using the readme.txt for that purpose. Here is an example of my Piundon one [warning long cut/paste] of course with so many tweaks, you think this race would Last longer in MB's AI deathmatchs
Ver 1.60 - RELEASE #07 (original graphics shipset by MM not enclosed)
- Modified designs (once again) based on AI inspection reports 2-1-03 through 2-1-04
- Removed all calls to build Drones and Drone Carriers (just not worth the resources)
- Removed all Drone research (why research if not going to build)
- Reduced ratio of LR attack ships to SR attack ships from 2:1 to 3:1
- Added all 3 types of colony ships specifically to Explore & Infrastructure state due to bug in AI end-game call systems (thanks Mephisto)
- Reduced ftr Groups from 15 to 8 and eliminated type priority firing in strategy file
- Created new .emp files to match changes in strategy file and eliminate special ships
- Lowered % ships to use in defense & restored original default formation (Spider)
- Reduced max. maintenance threshold & increased # systems to defend
- Added a queue for colony type "Resupply Base" in case they capture one (thanks Mephisto!)
- Eliminated Ship Capture, Mil Sci 2 & Shield damage weapons research (no longer using boarding ships since not worth the resources spent)
Ver 1.50 - RELEASE #06 (original graphics shipset by MM not enclosed)
- Created "Piundon_Construction_Units.txt" to take advantage of new unit control
- Stripped most unit purchases from "Piudon_Construction_Vehicles.txt" now that we have the _Units.txt file (left in WPs in explore mod and "capper" at end of each queue
- Added "Attack Sweeper" and "Scout Ships" designs and to build queue (left in even though purchases based on unique names (as opposed to types) is not working yet
- Added Troop Transport design and applicable research now that we can control the AI production of troops
- Increased variety of vehicle purchases in "Defend (Short Term)" state since AI is in this state most of the time
- Separated queues for each AI state in both Construction files
- Modified designs based on AI inspection reports 4-5-02 through 4-7-02
- Increased max. turns before next attack & fleet % based on research by Mephisto and my experimentation
- Streamlined design file for single ship call approaches
- Increased recon sat production based on AI inspection reports
- Put mid-way points into attack ship vehicle purchases due to choke symptoms
- Adjusted research file to "33" to avoid unused points after certain projects
- Modified Drone attack strategy and design based on research by Mephisto and my experimentation
Ver 1.25 - RELEASE #05 (original graphics shipset by MM not enclosed)
- Reset/verified certain Empire options (moving through minefields, etc.) now that they are working
- Increased # recon sats in different queues
- Removed rad/org extract tech level 2-3 due to monolith strategy
- Revised strategies based on testing, including overall fleet
- Added Kamikaze ship design (fleet support) and construction queue now that they are seeking fleets
- Added Boarding ship design and construction queue now that they are seeking fleets
- Added Ship Capture, Drone and Shield Damaging Weapons to research queue
- Added Drone designs and construction queues (still testing)
- Removed Cargo Transport and design since could not detect use by AI
- Additional boost to # research facilities located on rad/organic colonies
- Moved up CA, BB, DN in tech tree, moved down Stellar Harness
- Increased # colonizers in all states to min. of 3
- Adjusted Stellar Manipulation designs to take into consideration 250/400k component sizes
- Changed SRLT/HV designs back to Optimal Firing Range b/c not hitting a damn thing
- Moved up "Create Planet" ship in construction queue
- Added new lines to Settings.txt
- Added Drone designs and strategies based on default AI files (tweak pending usefulness)
- Eliminated Shield Regeneration components in all but attack/defense base designs
- Reversed treaty levels back to default based on testing
- Overflow queue for farming colonies converted to research facilities
- Increased # attack ships in attack/defense modes
- More tweaks to all designs based on testing
- Added Cargo Transport back in based on Population Transport Design
- Added recon sats back in now that the construction bug is fixed
- Fixed grammatical problems in speech file
- Converted both "Fighter Attack" movement strategies to "Point Blank"
- Changed strategies fire to reflect revised firing priorities
- Changed fleet strategy back to optimal firing range b/c not hitting anything
- Added Drone Carrier to design file and construction queue
- Added new settings for fleet and overall AI, tweaked Drone cargo settings
Ver 1.20 - RELEASE #04 (original graphics shipset by MM not enclosed)
- Removed recon sats from build queue pending bug removal (placed sensors on other platforms)
- Totally reworked research tree based on tech min lines working now
- Totally reworked designs all the way through late game attack bases
- Limited pop. transports to 600kt b/c taking away whole planets of population
- Removed defense ships from design and build queues
- Tweaked strategies file for larger units launched and to use "Type Priority" first
- Confirmed cloaked colonizers used properly by AI, new dual-class colonizers added
- Tweaked build queues for late games where player has 100+ planets
- Reduced # of auxiliary ships AI not using fairly well (Sat Layer, Pop Cargo, etc.)
- Changed carrier strategies and load-out
- Limited size of mines to 10k to avoid wasted efficiency
- Converted most auxiliary ships to max. range with engine overloading weaponry
- Turned off certain boxes in empire options when creating .emp file (no move through minefield, autoclaim)
- Turned on "damage until weapons gone" in .emp file strategy settings
- Removed cloaking from spaceyard ships b/c ministers having trouble using while cloaked
- Converted latter part of farm planets to research havens
- Re-tooled planet selection to boost research planets
- Eliminated "Ancient Race" as selection since this was causing havoc for the colonization minister
- Changed strategies for weapon platforms and sats based on changes MM made in recent patch
- Eliminated emissive armor (again) from designs since reports show that it is still not working
- Boosted desire of race to accept treaties early on when struggling
- Eliminated certain techs from research queue that were not efficient for AI (extraction 4-9)
- Forced AI to have a recon ship in the first turn with all supplies via the .emp file
Ver 1.15 - RELEASE #03 (original graphcis shipset by MM not enclosed)
- Moved stellar manipulation up the research tree
- Tweaked fleets file to attempt to get higher % of ships in fleets
- Created a mandatory research planet in every system in the Planet_Types file
- Due to fighter design problems, reduced number of valid designs to one
- Increased number of research & intel facilities in the Construct_Facilities file
- Removed duplicate facilities in the Construct_Facilities file when a facility has more than one ability
- Totally reworked Epoch 1 research to attempt to provide stronger early game ships
- Removed blanks from the end the design name file
- Redesigned early game mine/sat layers to provide more laying ability
- Increased # of PD weapons on small attack/defense ships
- Increased "turns to attack" from 1 to 3
Ver 1.10 - RELEASE #02 (original graphics shipset by MM not enclosed)
- Removed minesweeper as component to larger attack ships (sweeper components do not work while cloaked)
- Tweaked planet selection to decrease farming and increase research colonies
- Modified default formation "Dark Wing"
- Further tweaking to research tree and ship designs based on beta testing & SG forum comments
Ver 1.05 - RELEASE #01 (original graphics shipset by MM not enclosed)
- Added minesweeper as component to larger attack ships
- Added "Stop Planet Destroyer" Facility to several queues
- Corrected spelling error in Facilities.txt
- Further tweaking to research and ship designs
- Added speech file
- Added strategies file
- Removed cloaking from sweepers and Colonizers due to bugs
Ver 1.01 - BETA RELEASE (original graphics shipset by MM not enclosed)
- "Piundon_AI_Anger.txt" (modified original)
- Made small changes to match personality better
- "Piundon_AI_Settings.txt" (modified original)
- Increased % of revenue maintenance for ships
- Increased number of systems to defend
- Removed limitations on ship tonnage
- Increased max research/intel points
- Tweaked % colonies to consider attack locations
- "Piundon_AI_DesignCreation.txt" (modified original)
- Added multiple designs for attack ships (based on hull size)
- Added defense ships
- Changed mix of components for better efficiency
- Added crystal torpedoes (this was added to SE4 but not Piundon)
- Added several component types to utilize ruins discovered
- Made "Cloak Level" a requirement where possible
- Modified different types of armors used for better efficiency
- Added neural net ability if discovered
- "Piundon_AI_Politics.txt" (modified original)
- Limited max treaty to "Military Alliance"
- Made small changes to match personality better
- "Piundon_AI_Research.txt" (modified original)
- Totally reworked from scratch based on actual playtesting
- Designed to maximize queue efficiency by mixing lg/sm projects
- Advances more balanced based on "epochs" of research approach
- They now complete the tech tree
- "Piundon_AI_Fleets.txt" (modified original)
- Increased % of ships to used in fleets
- Changed default formation
- "Piundon_AI_General.txt" (no substantive changes made)
- Added .txt to end of design file name so it will be used
- "Piundon_AI_Speech.txt" (new file added)
- [Work in progress]
- "Piundon_AI_Construction_Facilities.txt" (new file added)
- Added special race facilities and system/sector modifiers
- Added special techs discovered via ruins (i.e. shields)
- Hedged mineral production on other types of planets
- Increased building of storage facilities
- "Piundon_AI_Construction_Vehicles.txt" (new file added)
- Increased production of vehicles/units
- Removed production of Kamikaze, Boarding and Troops/ships
- "Piundon_AI_Planet_Types.txt" (new filed added)
- Decisions are first based on resource %
- Next limited by size & # per system (1 military/ 1 construct)
- Remaining planets are divided between research/intel
- "Piundon_AI_Strategies.txt" (new filed added)