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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:33 PM
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Default SE4 by Committee

I was thinking that it might be neat to play a game of SE4 by committee here on shrapnel.
Note: This is a REAL SE4 game, Shrapnel VS AIs, with tactical combat, not just RolePlaying.

Anyone who joins would get one vote in the run of things.
A player who is denoted a Minister would be given significant control over some portion of the empire, and would get a block of 25% votes if the motion falls under thier job description. Only the most applicable minister would get the block.
Because of the 25% block, it will take a 2/3rds majority of the rest of the players to veto.
Preferably, new players would take minister slots, which will make for much debate, and a good learning opportunity.

A player who is denoted a General will be given the option to command fleets in tactical combat for the empire. This requires an Instant Messaging Client (MSN/ICQ/IRC preferred, Yahoo, AOL possible too) and to be available often.

Players will be given a special unit to mark their place in the galaxy. Generals must be present in the fleet they are to control. All players' marker unit must remain alive and uncaptured in order to vote.
If your marker is captured, and then recovered, you may resume your duties.

This game will likely take as long or longer than a standard PBW game, but the main point is the interaction between forum goers.

Empire setup can be done similarily, with each player making a vote for one positive trait modifier, and one negative trait modifier.

What do you think of the SE4 by committee game idea?

[ December 17, 2002, 15:46: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]
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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

May I offer a suggestion...

As far as I can tell you mean to play this against the AI. You or some other game host would play what is decided, am I correct?

I suggest that you start a game, select an empire and play through 30-50 turns before starting the committee participation. That way, you can build a few fleets and have some AI interaction from the get go. This way there is something for several people to do at the start than having to wait 25 turns to get a fleet to command.
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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

It is an interesting idea but it is definitely not my cup of tea. I also see problems developing between the "Players". Too many cooks tends to spoil things. Also what happens when one of your generals/ministers is unavailable due to "real life" (whatever that is).

If you choose to do it I will watch and wish you all good luck.
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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:55 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

Ooo, now this sounds rather interesting.

SJ, let me see if I have this correct. You are the emporer. At least initially. Various people are appointed ministers for design, research, construction, etc. Others play the parts of generic senators in a ruling body of some sort.

As ships are built then you recruit new players to be captains, and admirals of fleets, etc. What about colony ships and new colonys? Do they get governors?

I think this would be quite fascinating. I could see myself as a captain of an exploratory vessel, or the governor of a border colony.

Can people play different parts at the same time? And if your character gets killed can you get a new one? This has potential for role play big time.

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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

Wow, I'm the 5th voter, and now each option has one vote. I wonder what that means. Clearly nothing ... yet.

This is a fun way to play against the AI, turn on all ministers except one, which you play. Are you the mad scientist (you do research), crazed engineer (the AI researches, you design ships with what you get), the psycotic intelligist (you handle intel, the AI handles diplomacy, can you say "What Iran is our friend this week, OK"

If you play this way yourself, you may find S J's idea more appealing.

I especially like how you gave the virtual minister a 25 % vote for what influences him, nice touch. I'd really like to be in on this.

If there's enough interest, maybe there could be two teams and they could play against each other.

[ December 17, 2002, 16:36: Message edited by: Arkcon ]
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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

As far as I can tell you mean to play this against the AI. You or some other game host would play what is decided, am I correct?

I suggest that you start a game, select an empire and play through 30-50 turns before starting the committee participation. That way, you can build a few fleets and have some AI interaction from the get go. This way there is something for several people to do at the start than having to wait 25 turns to get a fleet to command.
Yes, one empire VS the AI. And one secretary to pass out the orders to the game.

The initial turns is a good point. The generals will get at most a scout ship during the early game.
However, the generals won't be very active anyways except during a large campaign.
They still have a senate vote, though, so they won't be totally out of the action.

It is an interesting idea but it is definitely not my cup of tea. I also see problems developing between the "Players". Too many cooks tends to spoil things. Also what happens when one of your generals/ministers is unavailable due to "real life" (whatever that is).
If a general is sick or otherwise unavailable to defend the fleet he is in, appointing a proxy would be fair.

SJ, let me see if I have this correct. You are the emporer. At least initially. Various people are appointed ministers for design, research, construction, etc. Others play the parts of generic senators in a ruling body of some sort.
I will be just a secretary, marking down the orders, and punching them into the game.
Forum members will vote on various actions. Inter-system Strategic ship orders will be voted on. Tactical combat may be completely controlled by one General who is available on an instant chat service to relay commands during battle.
The wording of the voted order will determine what level of Intra-System movement may be commanded by the General.

If there are enough players, then a specific planetary governor would be possible. You would have "Minister" status regarding activities in the sector.

Can people play different parts at the same time? And if your character gets killed can you get a new one? This has potential for role play big time.
If we decide to go with mortal characters, then there will be a seniority rule for promotions.
IE: the longest living player would have first dibs on your old Job, and if he declines, the next person down gets it. If nobody else wants it, you can have your new character take over the old job.
(Assuming the old job still exists: minister of a glassed colony wouldn't work )

[ December 17, 2002, 16:30: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]
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Old December 17th, 2002, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

How about we break up into to teams and play each other instead of the AI. We could get a PW protected forum for each team.
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Old December 17th, 2002, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

That is a possibility, if there are enough players, but I would prefer one "Shrapnel" empire.

For one, the turns will go faster (by committee will slow it down enough already), and two, it will be a community event bringing everyone together.

Thinking about the Mortal players thing:
If players want to join in after the game has started, that shouldn't be a problem. There should be a delay before they are allowed to start voting, so we can keep the results straight. Having new players begin voting at the end of the turn when their avatars are constructed would be a reasonable point.

Re: Avatars.
Ministers and Senators could be represented by 1KT weapon platforms, while Generals have the option of being represented by a Troop.

The platform markers can be captured and recovered, while the troop markers could be made with Heroic stats and abilities.

Players who are killed would spend a minimum of one turn out of action while their new avatars are constructed, and if there is a lot of death going on, of the players who were killed on the same turn, those that had seniority before they were killed should be given first rebirth.

[ December 17, 2002, 17:20: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]
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Old December 17th, 2002, 07:27 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

I like the idea
I can see myself flying the front line formation of the suicide contact squad
Except I probably will get voted out quickly for my *wonderful* combat skills (or lack of)
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Old December 17th, 2002, 07:45 PM
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Default Re: SE4 by Committee

IRC comments:
Krsqk How much participation are we expecting? One person/planet is quite a few people.
SJ Well many planets wouldn't have any minister, and would fall to the next minister to make a case for them... eg: construction, economic, etc.
Krsqk Would/could it end up more like a system-wide governor?
SJ Whoever gives the best reason that they are the primary minister for the issue at hand, gets the 25% block.
SJ Yeah, system governors would be good too.
Krsqk Oh, so now we're politicking for influence, eh?
SJ Well, if the vote is on building a dreadnought at Geo's Backwater Resort Planet, for example, Geo would have a solid case for getting the Block. Otherwise it would probably fall to the construction minister.
Krsqk But the general of the fleet receiving the dreadnought could push for construction at another planet where he has friends at the shipyard.
SJ Sure... He would try to organize a veto, and support Geo's bid for the block if Geo was going to vote no.
SJ Then a new site would have to be decided on.
Some ideas on Minister jobs:
- Individual planets: small ones seem popular with RPers and those with little time to be in the spotlight. Manages ships in orbit.
- System lords: Rules all planets in a system that have no individual ministers. Manages ships making intra-system journeys.
- Political: One overall, or possibly one Minister for each race as an Ambassador.
- Finance: Watches over the budget and expenditures.
- Defense: Manages the overall inter-system distribution of warships.
- Economic: Manages resource generation, and general facility construction.
- Transportation: Manages the overall non-military shipping and travel arrangements.
- Science: Manages research projects.
- R&D: Designs ships.
- Covert Ops: Manages intel once researched.
- Construction: Decides locations to build at, and negotiates with local ministers.
- Naming Minister: Renames planets, ships, Design Classes.

[ December 17, 2002, 19:32: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]
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