
June 12th, 2002, 05:59 PM
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How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
Just curious what that little button does. Do I need ships, or do they just pack up and leave?

June 12th, 2002, 06:11 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
I believe the population must be under 50.
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June 12th, 2002, 06:20 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
The population on a planet must be less than the limit in SETTINGS.TXT in order for it to work. So this, too, can be changed like so many other things.
Maximum Population for Abandon Planet Order := 10

June 12th, 2002, 06:53 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
I never thought about it befor.
Does the population "evaporate" or dose it show up on a different planet?

June 12th, 2002, 09:51 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
When using abandon planet your population, if UNDER The allowable level, they just disappear. If you have any facilities, you are asked if you want to scrap them. If you say YES then all facilities AND ANY UNITS ON THE PLANET are destroyed. It is no longer a colony. If you say no then population is zeroed but all facilities AND UNITS remain on planet. Note: the planet is still considered a colony in this case!
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June 12th, 2002, 10:06 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
That generates another thought.
If I move population to a transport
Then abandon a planet
Will it get rid of a Plague?

June 12th, 2002, 10:10 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
Originally posted by The High Gryphin:
That generates another thought.
If I move population to a transport
Then abandon a planet
Will it get rid of a Plague?
Yes, this is a way to get rid of plague. Awfully expensive, though. You then have to recolonize.

June 12th, 2002, 10:12 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
"Yes, this is a way to get rid of plague. Awfully expensive, though. You then have to recolonize."
Not if you don't scrap the facilities. 0 population, which *should* kill off the plague..but pop can still be tranfered down as it's still a colony.
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June 12th, 2002, 10:12 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
If it does, that would be the only reason I could think of to abandon a planet but leave the facilities.
The only reason I've ever abadoned before was when a knew an attacker had troops and he would take over the planet. It would make no sense to leave the facilities there.

June 12th, 2002, 10:32 PM
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Re: How exactly does the Abandon Planet Option Work?
There must be a "Anti Plague" software in the transport mechanism.
Edit: The other reason for removing pop but leaving facilties would be in < see Trade Federation thread >
[ June 12, 2002, 21:34: Message edited by: The High Gryphin ]
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