The DirectX calls are all in the third-party graphics library, WinVFX, which we cannot recompile. So anything to do with palette trickery etc is not doable.
In any case I have an alpha test EXE that allows any window size to be used, full screen or windowed. It all seems to work fine too and so it should be ready for next year's patch.
Windowed mode:
Works as at present. Since you cannot get into WinFX internal code, you cannot set a 'stay on top' window style that would cover the task bar to give a 'pseudo' full screen effect in windowed mode. Not really a problem provided you don't use 'auto hide' which confuses WinVFX.
Full screen mode:
Works perfectly, even on the full screen mode of my new 22 inch1680x1080 or whatever wide screen monitor. But since Microsoft have that bug with palletised modes in Vista/Windows 7, then you may have to use trickery to get round the problem. Killing off the explorer.exe process and restarting it again after the game is over is not really recommended since explorer.exe is your desktop process and is thus a windows core process! - strange things may therefore happen.
see e.g:
So if you do want to use full-screen palettised mode in Vista/W7 then you are on your own. Microsoft have decided for you that that mode is obsolete in their new operating systems.
With the new variable-sized windows game EXE coming out (if testing does not show it to crash and burn), then all you'll need do as a CD version owner, is to set the thing to use the full desktop area in
windowed mode. No Windows 7/Vista palette mangling issues then.
(BTW - if you do have an old machine and get a spanking new wide screen CRT for it, then expect to have to splash out for a new graphics card too. I can force the full sized 1080p mode for this new screen but only in 30hz 'interlaced' mode, which is nasty and flickers like crazy. Otherwise it runs it in 'panning' mode like some laptops do with screen sizes set too high for the LCD, unless I choose 1450x900 or suchlike. Which is yucky. So either I get a new graphics card - or like I have done, the new CRT went into the spare room till I eventually get a Windows 7 box (won't need one with a screen, now
