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Old June 26th, 2001, 10:07 PM

Scott Barrie Scott Barrie is offline
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Default 19 User Interface Problems

Here are 19 user interface nitpicks I've catalogued. I would be extremely happy to see even half of them addressed in upcoming patches.

1. When renaming a ship, the Enter key can't be used to indicate completion. "OK" must be clicked with the mouse. The Escape key can't be used to cancel the window, "Cancel" must be clicked with the mouse.

2. If you don't change the ship's name, and then click "OK", you get an error that "That name is already in use".

3. The Enter key also can't be used when entering your password to indicate completion. "OK" must be clicked with the mouse.

4. Your password isn't masked while it's being typed - this is a problem for hotseat games.

5. You need to select a ship before selecting Scrap/Analyze/Mothball, but that ship is not automatically selected in the next screen. Either don't require a ship/unit/base to be selected, or use the item selected as the default item to be modified.

6. A ship cannot launch less than all possible units remotely in simultaneous turns.

7. There's an option to show Resupply Depots, Space Ports and Shipyards (R,S,Y) on the sector map, but no way to show other important facilities like Ship/Fleet Training Facilities, System Computers, Urban Pacification Centers or racial trait facilities.

8. In the Designs screen, the list scrolls back to the top when "Hide Obsolete" or "Make Obsolete" is toggled.

9. In the Enemy Ship/Units Designs window of the Design screen, a seperate window for each race would be useful.

10. In addition to being able to view all the new constructions in the Log, it would be useful to be able to view constructions of Units, Ships, Facilities, Upgrades and Warnings separately.

11. "AI should not make changes to the empire during a simultaneous games" - change this wording to reflect what the option actually does (whatever that is). [Even better, include an option to do what that says - but that isn't an interface change.]

12. In the Planets screen, the ability to sort planets by colonization type would be very useful.

13. In the Planets screen, the ability to view only the planets within your borders would be useful. It would be more useful than the current ability to exclude restricted systems from the list.

14. When changing the top item in the construction queue, display a warning only when the top item is partially constructed.

15. When deleting the top item from the construction queue, display a warning only when the item is partially constructed.

16. When deleting a project from the research queue, display a warning only when that project is partially researched.

17. When you "Recover Units Remotely" from the sector you're in, it doesn't include the "Move to" command. This is problematic if you want a ship to move somewhere, and then return to its original sector and recover units remotely there.

18. Sometimes when entering the "Set Construction Queue" screen from the "Construction Queues" screen, the "Set Constuction Queue" screen starts at the top of the list. Other times it starts at the Last item selected when the screen was Last accessed. [This probably happens with other lists as well] [There is probably a trigger which causes the different starting points, but I can't determine it]

19. You can only trigger pods on independent ships, not ships in fleets.

That's all I found. Obviously some are very minor.

[This message has been edited by Scott Barrie (edited 26 June 2001).]
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Old June 26th, 2001, 10:49 PM

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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

Solutions for your problems...

send it to MM and propose soltuions. This will speed it up for them so they can crank a patch out.

[email protected]
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Old June 26th, 2001, 11:21 PM

Scott Barrie Scott Barrie is offline
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

Originally posted by Hadrian Aventine:
Solutions for your problems...

send it to MM and propose soltuions. This will speed it up for them so they can crank a patch out.

Okay, I wasn't clear. I do intend to send it on to Aaron. But first:

1) Are the problems clearly explained?
2) Did I include any poor solutions or non-problems?
3) (Big one) Did I miss anything? Maybe something small you've noticed?

I think that compiling all the problems everyone's found and sending it on in one big list would be more useful to MM than sending individual Messages everytime something pops up.

And it would be even more useful if I expressed myself as clearly as possible when doing so. <g>

[This message has been edited by Scott Barrie (edited 26 June 2001).]
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Old June 27th, 2001, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

Interface thread. Must... post...

Some things that I wish could be changed, and are interface foo (in that changing these wouldn't change the actual mechanics of the game, just how they're accessed):

* I would like the 'Repeat Build' option to repeat the LAST item rather than the first. You don't lose any flexibility since with the current option, there's no point in having multiple objects in a RB queue.

* Bookmarks. Maybe just as simple as, for each 'event log' window (counting the different filters), the Last event clicked on is noted -- and an button/hotkey exists to go back to that event. Ditto for ship/colony lists.

* Stronger linkage between display and command. For instance, I can *view* a colony's facilities from the colony list by right-clicking -- but to *scrap* said facility, I have to leave the colony list, select the planet in the system view, and hit the scrap facility button.

* As a convenience, click-drag to reorder ship components in the design window, or some .txt file that specifies order. For instance, when upgrading a normal design to an MC design, there's no way to put the master computer at the beginning (where I like to see control stuff) without removing/re-adding all components. More importantly, this allows adding in shield depleters BEFORE normal weapons once you get them, without popping the whole stack, et al.

* A 'find system by name' option would be nice if there isn't one (I don't recall there being one).

* Better information highlighting. This is vague, but a few examples --

- When the mouse is over the ship or colony lists, highlighting the system in the quadrant window may be appropriate.
- An option to put color-coded circles around ships/fleets may be useful in a game with rampant Crew Insurrection.

* An per-class option for automatically toggling on the minister. This would be useful for, say, solar-powered colony ships and minelayers.

* An option to have the 'Next Ship' option skip minister-controlled ships.

* More information for which I shouldn't have to do a lot of clicking:

- When an alien race surrenders to me, how about highlighting the systems that they were in, or providing a colony list filter that works?

- When a minefield is detonated, tell me how many mines are used up and how many are left. Right now, I only get told how many are swept.

- When a build queue is exhausted, indicate this in the build completion so I don't have to check manually every turn for idle queues. Likewise for research and intelligence queues, although the latter *shouldn't* (IOW, I should always be running counterintel on repeat if I've got any at all).

* The 'only one needed per system' message does not take into account facilities in build queues. Arguably, it should (or a separate message should ("You have already arranged to build one in this system").

Even better, being able to select a system and find out which system-wide facilities are present would be nice.

* Being able to filter for colonies that are domed and have no atmosphere converters and aren't building them (and don't have them queued) might be useful.

* Being able to add a 'Replace Facility' command to the build queue would be useful, because right now the only way to maximize production while switching from regular to monolith is to do your scrapping and building *one at a time*. Search-and-replace for facilities would be nifty (e.g. if you've got all tech (!), replacing all Research with Intel, say, with varying scope of colony versus empire).

* The 'build one turn's worth of units' should result in a 'One Turn's Worth' item in the queue, not just one turn's build capacity at the time the order was queued since production rate fluctuates with population.

The ultimate interface foo, of course, would be being able to export empire status information to text files and then import text commands ('scrap facility FOO on colony BAR', 'queue facility NNN on colony BAZ'), say, which would be Nirvana for scripters. That would eliminate much of the nastiest micro, like staggering atmosphere converter production so your empire doesn't completely starve in terms of organics or radioactives.

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Old June 27th, 2001, 02:06 AM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

1) I'd like to be able to drag open windows around the screen. It's annoying to have to close then reopen them if you want to see something blocked by the open window.

2) Support for higher screen resolutions.

3) I think it's be really neat to make all of the game windows dockable, with no limit to how many can be open at once (except screen space). Then I would be able to keep an eye on my research queue while negotiating a tech trade w/ an ally, etc.

Assume you have a 1kg squirrel
which, if I'm not mistaken, is equivilent to roughly a 50 megaton nuclear bomb.
Fear the squirrel.
Assume you have a 1kg squirrel
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Old June 27th, 2001, 09:08 AM

Dragonlord Dragonlord is offline
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

This is an excellent thread and I fully agree with the original 19 points mentioned.
I agree with some of the points raised by Taqwus, though they are less essential to me.
FRom taqwus list, the one that has bugged me a lot too is not ebing able to filter the colonies list for rock/gas/ice planets. e.g. when I have conquered a race and want to find out if I have any domed colonies nearby that could benefit from a population move due to different atmospheres.

Originally posted by Taqwus:
Interface thread. Must... post...

- When a build queue is exhausted, indicate this in the build completion so I don't have to check manually every turn for idle queues.

My solution to this: I have the build window (f7 key) sorted first on number of facilities built, then on whether or not its constructing something something. That way, I spend 5 minutes max (in large map) hitting F7 and seeing where I should issue build orders. All the colonies that are already building are at the bottom of the list and the ones that are not building and have facility slots left are at the top. However, as my empire grows, even this method becomes cumbersome, and I'd like to be able to filter out colonies that are not building (cause they are full) that currently still show up in the list cause they have a shipyard.
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Old June 27th, 2001, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

These are excellent suggestions. Let's keep this thread going for a few days and then I will do my best to compile/sort the suggestions and send Aaron a master list.

My requests...

1. For enemy ships which I know the design for, let me view components in the game screen instead of going to the enemy design list and look for it by name.

2. If I click on a planet in the master build queue or colonies list, take me back to the same spot in the master list instead of going back to the beginning. Same problem when assigning colony ships in the planets list.

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Old June 27th, 2001, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

This is an email I sent to MM yesterday. Not all of it is interface but most of it is.


First the bugs:

I did some testing of Culture modifiers today and discovered that the
Production and Space Combat modifiers doesn't work. Easily reproduceable
by making a culture with a high bonus in those areas and check the
results compared to the neutral culture. (That's what I did, 50%)

In simultaneous move games self destructing of mines and satellites
doesn't work. Scrapping satellites doesn't work either but scrapping
fighters work. Please fix it so scrapping satellites work too. And if
possible scrap of units in cargo so weapon platforms and troops can be

And now the ideas:

Put Enveloping Acid Globules in the same weapons family as Acid Globules
and Hyper Plasma Bolts in the same weapon family as Plasma Charges so
they upgrade properly.

It's a pain to launch units in simultaneous move games since it can only
be done with the remote launch orders. Please make the launch/recover
button available so units and cargo is handled the same way.

It's kind of annoying having to restart the game all the time after
ending a turn in a sim move game or canceling a load game from the main
menu. Please make it exit to the main menu and only quite the game at
quit game command.

When playing simultaneous move games over pbem it's very annoying that
it's not possible to save the game during the turn or opening up the
turn again to give new orders. Which can sometimes be necessary after
some diplomacy discussion over email. Please make the game read the .plr
file if available when loading a turn.

In the Scrap/Analyze/Mothball window please add a button to filter out
anything that's in a fleet and another to filter out anything that
already has orders.

In the main window ship list it would be very good if ships with orders
had that little eye symbol beside them out to the right so you can see
at a glance if a ship has orders or not when selecting a sector. The way
ship on sentry has that shield beside them, let other orders get their
symbol there as well. Or at least the eye.

In the construction queue window there are filters for ships, planets,
ship SY and planet SY but the ship filter doesn't seem to do anything. I
think it would be better if space yard ships where filtered under ships
instead of under ship sy so base space yards and ship space yards are in
different places. It would make queue handling easier.

In the Planets window it would be nice to have a toggle like the No Sys
To Avoid but for Only Claimed Systems instead. That way all the planets
in the galaxy won't be clogging up the window when sending out colony
ships. Only the ones in the systems claimed.

I and many others find it very annoying that all information of a system
is lost once you leave it. It is very tedious having to write down
information about other players colonies, bases, satellites and other
stationary objects just because the game doesn't remember what was there
once you leave. It would be very helpful if the game could remember the
location of everything that can't move (and you can see) on it's own. If
you have presence in a system that could be indicated next to the system
name with green text saying "Current" and if not "Information is x.x
years old" in red. Please?

When selecting another players ship it would be good if there was a
little text on the detail tab that say if it's an unknown design, known
design but not in scanner range (but you can view the design of the ship
right there and then without going to Designs but you can't see any
damage or cargo), known design in scanner range, known/unknown design
but scanner blocked. Not all that important but would save players alot
of clicking getting in and out of the Designs window. Also, when seeing
an enemy's ship with a scanner, please put the little wrench that
indicates damage next to damaged ships. It's such a paing going through
70+ ships to see which ones are damaged.

Oh, and about enemy designs, it would be very nice to know the date the
design was discovered when viewing the design.

And finally an idea to make it easier for AI modders to control what the
AI builds:

The top of AI_DesignCreation.txt:

Name := Attack Ship
Design Type := Attack Ship
Vehicle Type := Ship

An entry from AI_Construction_Vehicles.txt:

Entry 2 Type := Attack Ship
Entry 2 Planet Per Item := 100
Entry 2 Must Have At Least := 1

What about adding a line to Entries in AI_Construction_Vehicles.txt for
Name? Then modders could do this:

Name := Missile Boat
Design Type := Attack Ship
Vehicle Type := Ship

Entry 2 Name := Missile Boat
Entry 2 Type := Attack Ship
Entry 2 Planet Per Item := 100
Entry 2 Must Have At Least := 1

With that change it would be possible to tell the AI exactly what design
to build and how many of that design.


Sorry about the no interface things but I'm too lazy to edit them out.
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Old June 27th, 2001, 05:17 PM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

Originally posted by Jubala:
Put Enveloping Acid Globules in the same weapons family as Acid Globules
and Hyper Plasma Bolts in the same weapon family as Plasma Charges so
they upgrade properly.

A minor point, since I agree with the rest of your post, but Acid Globules and Enveloping Acid Globules are both Weapon Family 29, and Plasma Charges and Hyper Plasma Bolts are both Weapon Family 26 in the standard components.txt file.

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Old June 27th, 2001, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: 19 User Interface Problems

17. When you "Recover Units Remotely" from the sector you're in, it doesn't include the "Move to" command. This is problematic if you want a ship to move somewhere, and then return to its original sector and recover units remotely there.

I don't see what the problem is here. To do what you describe, all you have to do is give the ship the Move order, then the Recover Units order, specifying the appropriate location for each. You can give a ship several consecutive orders, and they'll be done in the order given.

Cap'n Q

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human mind to correlate all of its contents. We live on a placid
island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was
not meant that we should go far. -- HP Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu"
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