
February 15th, 2007, 07:45 PM
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Javelin throwing units
Whats the best way to use these things? I've played Vanheim a few times, and the javelin guys have me very confused. In my mind, they sound great...wait until the enemy moves close enough, fire javelins then charge in...in practice, they stood there and took the charge. Whats the best set of commands to have them stand and wait, fire when the closest enemy reaches their range, then attack? Thank you

February 15th, 2007, 07:54 PM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
Either hold and attack if you know the enemy will be in range or else give them no order/fire closest, they should get into range and fire until charged or they run out of ammo

February 15th, 2007, 07:55 PM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
Fire closest. But even with that they'll often fire only once, or not all of them, because they tend to be engaged in melee before they can fire a second round of javelins.
With Pyhtium, I like to put Velites on fire closest on the side while the main legionaires stand in the middle with fire or attack closest. That way, velites do throw their javelins without getting caught in melee, if they can flank the opponent a little.

February 15th, 2007, 10:10 PM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
I like to set them to the side of infantry and slightly farther back. That way they tend to get off more than one volley.
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February 16th, 2007, 04:14 AM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
The best way to use themis not give any orders at all. If you set javelins on hold and attack, they will NOT use them, because javelins are missile weapons. You could put the javelins somewhat further back from the front so that they take a turn or two to charge to the front line, at whoch point they will still throw javelins but won't have charged ahead to be slaughtered.
There REALLY needs to be a hold and fire command...

February 16th, 2007, 04:19 AM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
Units on 'hold and attack' will fire a missile weapon for the first few turns, if they have one and are in range

February 16th, 2007, 08:18 AM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
If only units with "guard commander" orders would fire when ennemies are in range ...

February 16th, 2007, 12:25 PM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
In my experience the hold and attack with javelins does work so long as the enemy attacks right away and your javelin troops aren't too far back.
My main problem with javelins is that they are not very accurate and tend to hit your own troops. My pet peeve with shooters is when they continue to fire at very long range and kill your own troops after the enemy army is routed.

February 16th, 2007, 12:43 PM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
try using units with good armor and/or shields as your main force. Units with 10+ armor and equippend with shield won't take much damage from ranged attacks.
I usually have the heaviest infantry I can recruit set to hold and attack in the front, with fast units flanking set to hold and attack rearmost (or sometimes attack archers)
I often script my own archers to fire archers, as ennemy's archers or others ranged units are more likely to have less armor, or to have mages near them that a lucky arrow could kill. And while my archers fire at the opponent's, they don't fire into the melee.

February 19th, 2007, 06:22 PM
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Re: Javelin throwing units
I use Fire Closest and tend to deploy them in wide lines rather than deep formations, which avoids friendly fire. And/or javelineers on the flanks on Fire Closest with plain melee in the center.
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