
October 23rd, 2006, 10:56 PM
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ME Celestial Masters
Alright so I'm twinking around Middle Era for nations I like. I'm already decided on Shinuyama and Ryleh but seeing as how both are popular,I also wanted to try out a third. So naturally I took Tien Chi, my gosh, what are the Celestial Mages capital only? I can't find anything to do with them besides falling frost (if they're lucky enough to get the pick) or lightning bolt (again luck). Having only a base astral of one doesn't help matters either since astral nations can just stomp all your masters into the ground anyway. Wheee!! Is there anyone else with a good battle mage use for the Celestial Mages that I've missed somehow? Give them astral 2 please so theurges don't completely kick their butt ...

October 24th, 2006, 04:33 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
Why dont you use communion? Only requires S1 and Thaumaturgy lvl 1.
2 slaves gives +1 to all paths, 4 +2, 8 +3 and so forth.
Celestial masters have a broader range of paths then the theurgs, so you have an easier acess to most of the low path required battlefield spells.
if you are afraid of magic duel, dont forget that your communion slaves gets the same buffs that your communion master gets, asuming they are in communion when its cast. So if you set a second communion master to cast Light of the northern star (or carry the banner with the same effect) you suddenly have a lot of S2 slaves that the enemy magic duelant risk of losing against, and you really dont care much about. Since the Magic duel target is random among your astral mages. Your slave mage is expendable, his is most likely not.
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October 24th, 2006, 05:04 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
Good idea! I'll just use those cheap communion mages I have access to with TC now! Oh wait, there are none =).
Also I'm pretty sure magic duel has always targetted base astral, not buffed. Also Light of the North Star gives THEIR astral mages +1 as well I believe.

October 24th, 2006, 05:12 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
KissBlade said:
Good idea! I'll just use those cheap communion mages I have access to with TC now! Oh wait, there are none =).
Okay, every 4th MOTW.

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October 24th, 2006, 05:30 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
bah, I could have swore TC had easy acces to astral. oh well
Pretender forging boosting items seems to be the way to get level 2-3 in a chosen path then. Or use Communion matrixes.
The big yellow ships hung in the sky in a way that bricks don't.
- Douglas Adams

October 24th, 2006, 05:37 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
Hey, a Celestial Master can make a Communion Matrix. Anything could be a communion slave for ME Tien Chi.

October 24th, 2006, 05:39 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
Magic duel is BASE astral.

October 24th, 2006, 06:22 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
Magic Duel needs to be radicaly changed to be less lethal or die a painful death.

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October 24th, 2006, 08:30 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
Also, there's Power of the Spheres. +1 to all paths. Few Communion slaves and few Powers of the Spheres, and then any boosters that those allow (Earth Power, perhaps Storm/Water Power or even Strength of Gaia)... well, still not exceptional, but better.

October 24th, 2006, 08:38 AM
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Re: ME Celestial Masters
I suppose that if enough boosted they could do Aim + GIFTS FROM HEAVEN! Power of the Spheres and Earth Boots/Earthpower should do just well.
Still, burning an Astral pearl to boost the paths is, well, somewhat painful.
There's that funky shield that casts that spell in the start of a battle, but I hear it has a high encumberance and costs a lot. I haven't used it since Dom: PPP where I used it once for the lulz. Kinda like Hellpower.
By the way, can Communion Slaves still cast spells?

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