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Old January 10th, 2005, 02:53 AM
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Default OT: Mystic Wars: (IT HAS BEGUN!!!!) Join Up

Ladies (if there are any here) and Gentlemen, as I said I would have the board war up by tomorrow, well it's tomorrow and here it is, as you may have gathered by the title this is going to hopefully be a series of BoardWars all taking part in a fictional, fantasy world.

The Way it works:
The way this works is rather simple, you will set up a kingdom (example below) and when I say go everyone will start playing....Travel between kingdoms takes at least two Posts-yours someone else's and on your next post your there- (unless the guy's kingdom is on the totally other side of the continent of yours)in which case it may take longer.
This is a game but it is also a story, so please don't be soo overly concerned with "winning" that you totally screw up the game for everyone else.

The Default species and their advantages

Humans: General humans
Elves: Lesser Versions of the LOTR styled elves

High Elves: Warhammer Style Elves

Dark Elves: Evil Version of High Elves

Orcs/Goblins: Warcraft style are called Orcs LOTR style are goblins

Werewolves: They are stronger then man and much nastier, though they have a habit of killing anything in sight be it friend or foe (you can NOT have an entire kingdom of Werewolves, they would be a special unit for evil only)

Creating a Species:
I will allow you to create a species as long as you don't go overboard I.E Kingdom of giants or the like.

To keep it in check:

Alright to keep people from raising a billion and one troops you WILL HAVE a population that you can raise into your army your starting population will only be 100,000 men:
You will get more people per 15 Posts (1 page for me)depending on how many cities you control (you start with 1) here is how the city+population: will work:

1 City= 10,000 people per 15 Posts
2 Cities= 20,000 per 15 Posts
Etc Etc

GOLD is the "money of the realm" so to speak, you will spend gold to build cities and to raise troops, the process of raising troops will be explained later.

GOLD is the lifeblood of your society, you get 100 gold for every 1,000 persons not in the army per 1 (15 Posts) page so if you have 10,000 citizens in your cities you will gain 1,000 gold. (it�s a 10-1 ratio obviously).
Building more cities gets you more people each city starts with 10,000 persons but costs 8,000 gold and 1 page to create.

You can also pay other kingdoms or receive money from other kingdoms of course, depending on how you like spending your money or whatever deals you make that�s up to you.


OKAY so here�s what you�ll be spending your money on, when your not making shady deals or building ships these are the general �troops� Category (this is all based on averages):

These are all �average� troops basically no special features or anything else just the general everyone is equal soldier of it�s class:

Peasant: poor quality, basically just given a low quality weapon and no armor (10 gold produces 200)

Light Infantry: These are the general light infantry forces armed with varying weapons depending on race/kingdom (15 gold produces 100)

Medium Infantry: (20 gold produces 100)

Heavy Infantry: (30 gold produces 100)

Archers/Skirmishers/Javeliners (10 gold produces 50)

Light Cavalry: (32 gold produces 60)

Medium Cavalry (45 gold produces 60)

Heavy Cavalry (50 gold produces 60)

(for every +1 point you devote to any of these categories your gold cost will increase by 2 per unit
If you give a +1 to a general Category (for example armor) all troop types go up by 2 gold per unit)

Well you�ve seen me discuss the points so here�s how that works:

Your kingdom starts off with 20+ points and 20- points, for every +1 point you spend to give yourself an advantage of any kind you must spend a -1

You can give yourself an advantage in just about any field you see fit, it all depends on your personal preferences (you can even use points to create a new species as stated above)
Examples of things you can put points to:
(either to a specific troop type or to your military overall)
Troop skills-increases the fighting skill of your soldiers and increases their chances of winning
Troop Armor bonus defense for your soldiers
Troop Weapons: High quality weapons are better against other folks� armor
Gold Per Page: For every 1 point you get to this you will get 10% bonus to your income
Population Per Page: Same as Gold
And many other things J it�s all up to you as long as it is within reason

The Kingdom:
Every kingdom starts out with 3 cities, 40,000 citizens, and 2,000 light infantry/Archers and 1,000 Gold:
Here is what your kingdom should look like:

Kingdom Name:
Major Species:
Minor Species:
Gold: Name says it all
List all troops you have/type of troops here:
# of Cities:
Special Unit (You can have 2 specialized troops to your kingdom I�ll dictate their costs depending on how you describe them)
Advantages: 20 pts
List all your advantages
Disadvantages: 20 pts
List all your disadvantages
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old January 10th, 2005, 03:16 AM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Here is my Kingdom:

Kingdom Name: Elendoreth
Ruler: King Aluriani
Heirs: Princess Sanowin, Prince Kalathin, Prince Heronir
Major Species: High Elves
Minor Species: Humans, Dwarves
Population: 40,000
Gold: 1,000
Troops: 2,000
1,000 Human Light SpearmenArmed with a spear, and Chinese style armor)
500 Elvish Light Warriors (dual chinese style streightswords, chinese style armor)
500 Elvish Archers (Armed with longbows, unarmored)
# of Cities: 3
History/Bio: I'll work on it later

Special Unit:
Golden Legionaires: An elite heavy infantry force within the Eldorneth armies, made up of both humans and elves the Golden Legionaires wear steel banded armor, a highly protective helm, and greeves, they carry a large rectangular wooden shield covered with leather and steel colored gold.
Cost(40 Gold Per 100)

Elvish Rangers; AN ultra elite archer unit they can take down an enemy from great distances with ease and do so unseen.
(Cost= 20 Gold per 50)
Advantages: 20
+4 Heavy Infantry Armor
+2 Heavy Infantry Skill
+2 Archery Skill
+4 to income
+4 Light Cavalry skill
+2 Population
+2: Produces Eldornethi Steel (mix of Elvish craftsmanship with dwarven steel)

Disadvantages: 20 pts
-2 Light Infantry Armor
-2 Light Infantry Skill
-4 Medium Cavalry cost (+4 gold per Medium Cav unit)
-4 Magical Offense
-2 Magical Defense
-2 Poor Trade routes (increases time for trade caravans to move from Eldornethi to another kingdom)
-2 Medium Cavalry Skill
-2 Medium Cavalry Armor
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old January 10th, 2005, 04:37 AM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Orcs/Goblins: Warcraft style are called Orcs LOTR style are goblins
Careful with that. Some of the orcs in LOTR (such as Uruk-hai) will beat the snot out of your nambie-pambie Warcraft orcs.
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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Old January 10th, 2005, 05:24 AM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

I'm saying Orcs not Uruks heh Uruks are too tough

Now anyone gonna join up?

OH YEAH and you can have a special resource for your kingdom if your willing to spend the points on it it'll make trade possible
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old January 10th, 2005, 05:27 AM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Kingdom Name: Slianthia
Ruler: Ethsia Cardain (I'm going to have to use advantage points for this guy, methinks)
Heirs: Ethsia is about a thousand years old and never married
Major Species: Custom lizards, the Ssia
Minor Species: None
Population: 40,000
Gold: 1,000 - special unit costs
1,300 skirmishers, 500 engineers, 200 lifemages
# of Cities: 3
History/Bio: The Ssia live deep underground and are little known to outside races, a fact that doesn't really bother them.
Special Units
Engineers: Lightly armed and armored, engineers can make underground tunnels, traps, catapults, balista, and various mechanical things.
Lifemages: Lifemages can entangle enemies in thorns, spread or cure poison and disease and help make things grow.
Advantages: 20 pts
Esthia Cardain - Perhaps the greatest lifemage to ever live, Esthia has guided his people since around the beggining of the Last chaos wars. 10 points (I think it's fair, since if I loose this guy, those points are down the drain.)
Light armor - 2 points
Running speed - 2 points
Lifemagic (So they can manage to grow things underground) - 2 points
Thrown weapons - 2 points
Stealth - 2 points
Disadvantages: 20 pts
Calvery cost: 5 points
Heavy armor cost: 4 points
Heavy armor skill: 2 points
Really bad trade routes: 9 points

Is that ok?
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Old January 10th, 2005, 05:37 AM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Edit: Esthia is a duel-class 60% lifemage, 40% wizard.
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Old January 10th, 2005, 05:47 AM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Except that 9 points on the trade routes is kinda cheep yeah try and spread them out more, because if you don't care about trading it won't much matter. I do have tradeable resources though so -2 is pretty good

Those Ssia about how strong are they physically?
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old January 10th, 2005, 06:12 AM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Aside from listed parameters, they are the same as humans in stats.

I see no reason why Esthia couldn't sell spells. 6 points of plant growth or 4 points of faster armies, anyone? (If that's ok with the GM)

Any suggestions on diversifying the -9 trade?
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Old January 10th, 2005, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Come on need at least 2 more folks PLEEEEASE
When life gives you lemons take them and squeeze them in life's eye until it gives you the oranges you asked for!

"If men build things to look like our penis such as towers and ships does that mean female achitects represent women having penis envy?"
A line that made me chuckle, I can't remember where I heard it I just know it made me laugh.

"I'm not really a slapper....I mainly punch and gouge."
Tammy Lee my kung fu instructor/sifu's daughter when asked if she ever slapped a boy for saying something nasty to her.
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Old January 10th, 2005, 11:13 PM

brianeyci brianeyci is offline
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Default Re: OT: Mystic Wars: The Boardwar Part 1

Kingdom Name: Republic of Elantris
Ruler: Two consuls elected annually from the plebian masses and nobility, elections to be held this year as the current ruler was assassinated.
Heirs: None, Republic with reigns of power held by the Senate and the two consuls who serve for several years. Separation of powers is fundamental to their society, and there is much bureaucracy and wrangling before any decision. A charter of rights protects the common man, although the noble classes still wield the true power in society.
Major Species: Humans
Minor Species: Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Half-Orcs
Population: 40,000
Gold: 0 - Elantria will be collecting tax this upcoming season to refill its coffers.


Republican Citizen (Peasent 10/200) : Never before has the Republic had such a dire need that they must call on the average citizen to defend the homeland -- nevertheless, should Elantris be invaded, the Consuls and the Senate have the power to call on the citizenry...

Republican Conscript (Light Infantry +1 17/100) : Raised in times of war, the equivalent of well-armed militia, the Republic's "reserve" force, currently 1760 in full combat readiness.

Dwarven Axemen (Medium Infantry -3 14/100) : The Republic occasionally hires mercenaries. Most of these come from the Dwarven foothills of Ironside. Although plentiful, the Dwarves hardly substitute for a standing army, and their barbarian self-glorism cannot even equal the Republic's lowliest conscripts. They are mostly used as "brute squads". There are a hundred dwarven axemen, mostly used as police on Elantria's roads.

Republican Legionnaire (Heavy Infantry 30/100) : The Republic's standing army is made up of highly trained, highly motivated legionnaires. Armed with a short sword, a large square shield and banded armor, they are the Republic's first and Last line of defense. Currently the Republic fields two thousand legionnaries.

Skirmishers (Light Skirmishers +2 14/50) : The Republic's skirmishers are used in battle to throw spears at charging enemies. Their spears are soft and have a special point designed to make it impossible to pull out the spear from a shield -- or a body. There are five hundred skirmishers in the Republican army.

Elven Scouts (Light Calvary +1 34/60) : The Republic's scouting arm is made up of low Elves who long ago moved into Elantris seeking refuge from an unknown evil. The condition of their settlement was that they provide an amount of elvish bred horses. The Elves, loathe to give their mounts to foreigners, instead opted to join the Republic's forces. There are four hundred Elven scouts in the Republican army.

# of Cities: The capital Elantris, the Dwarven foothills of Ironside, and the Elven settlement of Q'solth

Special Units :

Republican Engineer Corps : A unit of a hundred highly trained soldiers, masons, engineers and artisans. The Republican Engineer Corps supplements the normal standing army and is responsible for the planning and construction of aquaducts, cities, roads and monuments. These are not the actual labourers, but the intellectuals and officers who direct whoever is placed under them to construct wonders. In times of war, they are responsible for maintaining and constructing siege equipment, ballista, catapults, traps and fortifications. Villagers are usually glad to see them, for they measurably increase quality of life.
+4 Construct Fortification Skill
+2 Construct City Skill
+2 Construct Siege Weapons Skill
+2 Construct Artillery
+2 Morale Boost to locals

Republican High Guard (Heavy Infantry) : These are the Republic's most powerful infantry units, armed with Dwarven plate mail and Elven sword steel. Unlike the Republican Legionnaire, they are dressed in purple, signifying their connection with the royal family.
+2 Armor
+2 Weapons


+6 Heavy Infantry Skills - Republican Armies are unparalleled in their discipline and motivation. Their legionnaires fight in formation using their deadly short swords and interlocking shields. When on the march, each night they stop to construct a highly fortified camp. Republican armies also have superior battlefield tactics, such as locking their shields together and putting their shields above their heads in a "tortoise" formation. Republican generals study Elvish, Dwarvish, Orcish and Human history, and are well versed in both maneuver warfare and attrition warfare. A tale among Elantrians is that once, a famous general caught one of his soldiers without armor on digging a trench. When asked why he was unarmored, the soldier replied that it was easier without the armor, after which the general drew his sword and cut the man's head off.

+5 Communication and Trade
The Republic is crisscrossed by highly maintained roads. Distances and locations are marked on signPosts. There are resting houses at regular intervals for messengers to switch horses and ride at full speed. Their roads are also highly defended, for if an invader were to enter Elantris, he could take advantage of the road network and spread swiftly. This means that bandits and pirates are non-existent on Elantrian patrolled roads.

+5 Gold Income : Elantris is an incredibly rich society with gold coming in from the Ironside mountains mined by the Dwarves. Add to this the Elantrian famed road network, and Elantrian tax incomes are greatly increased.

+4 Diplomacy Skill : Elantris always relies on its diplomatic prowress rather than force capabilities, despite its formidable military. The military is often at odds with the nobility, the former who prefer a more aggressive approach to dealing with other states, the latter who believe in maintaining the status quo and thus engaging in trade and peace talks. Only time will tell which side gains power.

-7 Heavy Calvary Skill : Heavy Calvary is practically an unknown concept in Elantria, and they have yet to master the stirrup, the saddle (their Elvish scouts ride bareback) or the lance.
-5 Archery Skill : Ranged weapons too are practically unknown, and bows are still drawn to the chest and utterly despised by the military despite being favored by the Elvish minority.
-2 Naval Skill : Elantrians are not close to any major bodies of water, and thus the idea of naval warfare or transport is unknown to them.
-2 Bureaucracy : Laws and changes in codes of conduct must pass through many barriers before being accepted, the price one pays for a government which separates powers.
-4 Magic Skill : Magic is treated in Elantria as a fable, and children are taught to grow up disbelieving in wizards and witches. Education focuses on debate, science, physical fitness and Languages.

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