
January 23rd, 2001, 02:41 AM
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How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
I'm well into my fourth game and am #1 in the scores. Problem, the Norak Continuum is at war with me with a mood of "brotherly." This doesn't seem to make any sense and I can't get them to accept any kind of treaty to end the war. They don't show any treaties with other races who hate my guts. Any suggestions?

January 23rd, 2001, 03:08 AM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
Kill 'em all! Who needs a relationship when you can steal their technology and pillage their planets!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
"He's dead, Jim."-- Lt. Commander Leonard "Bones" McCoy |Chief Medical Officer / USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
He's dead, Jim.-- Lt. Commander Leonard Bones McCoy |Chief Medical Officer / USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

January 23rd, 2001, 04:59 PM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
I have the same problem. SOme times they accept my treaty or propose one themselfs, put that is rare. SOmeone should tweak the files for diplomacy, make the treties eaiser to come by. I'm tired of constant war.
Mako the Space Shark
Mako the Space Shark

January 23rd, 2001, 05:49 PM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
Mako, I also like a nice semi peacefull game... I started a game Last week and have been playing it off and on since then and made it all the way to turn 150 b/f anyone declared war on me, it was turn 164 b/f I finally had a battle (didn't even have to build a warship except as a scout till turn 155 or so) The long peacefull game is nice.
playin on 200 quadrant, no nuetrals, 12 other races including EA & Tampa's, low tech start, one planet start, med bonus for all, high tech cost...
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January 23rd, 2001, 05:50 PM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
I believe there is a setting in the data files 'Mega Evil Empire = ___'. This will have all the computer players declare war on you if you have a score that is a certain percentage higher than everyone elses. In Civilazition II the same thing happened once your score got really high all the computer would team up to try and stop you from winning. So if you want to still be able to use diplomacy when you are ahead of everyone you could raise this number, I think it's in the general settings.txt file.

January 23rd, 2001, 09:28 PM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
You could also turn off Mega Evil Empire...
BTW - I'm nowhere near MEE in my current game (I'm in 5th place, with about 1/3 the score of the first place player; second and third place are fairly close to first), yet I have the same problem. The fourth (!) place player consistently refuses treaties, even though his mood towards me is "brotherly" (ought to be, the only reason we're at war is because of an intel operation against me - "Communication Mimic" I think - and just to top things off, I hadn't even encountered that empire in this game when they declared war; still haven't actually encountered them...)
L++ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr C+++ Csc Sf Ai AuO M+ MpTM S Ss RRSHP+ Pw- Fq->Fq+ Nd+++ Rp G++ Mm++ Bb---

January 24th, 2001, 01:49 AM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
I know waht you mean... in my Last game all my allies were "Murderous" and all my enemies were "botherly"... ain't that a kick in the pants.

January 24th, 2001, 04:40 PM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
In the latest Version of Starfire (4th edition or "Galactic Starfire") they have this feature where the equivalent of SE4 "AI" empires (called "Non-Player Races" in Starfire) have governments of various types. There are a bunch of Groups of related government types, and at first you don't know the exact government type just the group, but the exact type affects their behavior including responses to treaty proposals from you. There is an additional possibility, regardless of government type, that their leader is "insane" and will do random erratic things.
So, maybe there is an undocumented "insane leader" feature in SE4 as well 

January 24th, 2001, 08:26 PM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
quote: I know waht you mean... in my Last game all my allies were "Murderous" and all my enemies were "botherly"... ain't that a kick in the pants.
Here's the reason why (this is from the Abbidon_Settings.txt file)
quote: Get Angry Over Allied Colonizable Planets := True
Get Angry Over Enemy Colonizable Planets := False
Percentage of Allied Planets to consider as Attack Locations for Anger := 30
Percentage of Enemy Planets to consider as Attack Locations for Anger := 10
So once you are an ally, they pick some 30% of the planets in systems you both claim (speculation about meaning of "consider as attack locations for anger") and declare them attack locations, then get angry that you own those worlds and they don't. If you're an enemy, it doesn't anger them that you have colonies in the same system as them. However, according to the Anger files, it may anger them if you have ships in the same system...
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January 24th, 2001, 08:36 PM
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Re: How Do You Get a Peace Treaty?
Yeah, I've found some real funny things so far in the ai politics file. The one that Nyx just mentioned is just one of many that from a human stand point doesn't make much sense. I'll post some changes later this week hopefully.
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