After trying to play a game via TCI/IP we opted to go with PBW.
I set up the game at PBW under the name AUK (Atrocities, UserX, Kwok) and we all joined.
After a bit of a �Files Not Matching� error we were off and running with our game.
A Medium FQM D map, 5k racial points each, no Intel, and 3 starting planets.
Each of us have Role Played our empires quite well actually mimicking the feel and essence of a Star Trek. User X paying as the Federation has been quietly, and peacefully expanding his empire and research base. The Romulan�s, controlled by Captain Kwok, have been boxed into a corner and are determined to be left alone while I, the Klingons, have been aggressively building up my forces and have attacked the Romulan�s and several occasions.
Without a doubt this game has been one of the finest I have played as it has played more like a true Star Trek game than any I have played since Multilayer BOTF. The game is fun and feels good to play.
By the end of the night, 1:30 am for us and something like 4:30 for CK, we called it quits. We managed to make 49 turns in about 6 six hours.
The first part of the game was manual turn process because I forgot to include the game PW into the game set up. Geoschmo came to the rescue and reset the password for us and from that point the turns were entirely automatic with Last player upload. Thanks again Geoschmo for the help.
Below is our player log for most of the game. We had to reset MSN a couple of times so the log is not complete from start to finish. It has been edited to just include the game info. Enjoy.
MSN Chat Log for AUK game at PBW (Game ran continues with new turn every few minutes from 6:30 PM 1-10-04 PST until 1:30 AM 1-11-04 PST.
Players: Atrocities, Captain Kwok, and UserX
Luke has been added to the conversation.
[email protected] says:
2:30 his time
Atrocities says:
He is 3 hours ahead I think,
Luke says:
[email protected] says:
Luke says:
Those Klingons are sure running a risky economy.
Luke says:
Let's hope the Praxis doesn't explode.
[email protected] says:
they are becoming dependent on Federation trade
Atrocities says:
[email protected] says:
damn, this would be so cool with 10+ people (and all on MSN)
Luke says:
Unfortunately, Romulan space seemed a bit more void than the other regions and habitable planets are far in between.
[email protected] says:
same here
Luke says:
10 would be hard to arrange, but 5 would not.
Atrocities says:
I think a neutral map by a non player balanced for game play is best
[email protected] says:
that would be cool
Atrocities says:
We have been at this going 6 hours now.
[email protected] says:
2 of those we were trying to get things going
[email protected] says:
this is actually working really well
Atrocities says:
Me think the Romulan�s are running scared now.
Luke says:
I'll go until turn 40.
[email protected] says:
Atrocities says:
Sounds Good CK
Atrocities says:
Damn the turn files are taking some time now
[email protected] says:
Ok, diplomacy through the back channels. Atrocities, you must listen to the Federation President... he's very serious.
Atrocities says:
So is Chancellor Atrocities. He has many more planets to come on line.
Luke says:
You must have took a lot of points and put it to maintenance AT.
[email protected] says:
The President was under the impression that there was an agreement on were we could settle ... our borders have been determained
Atrocities says:
The system we now mutually control is as far as we are prepared to allow you into Klingon Territory.
[email protected] says:
We were not under the impression that it was mutually controled?
Atrocities says:
It is now.
Atrocities says:
Your colonies are to close to our homeworld thus we must maintain a presense in this system to ensure no hostile intentions are spawned there.
[email protected] says:
It will be difficult to explain this to the President ... and the Fleet commander on his way there charged with protecting Federation interest
Atrocities says:
If you deploy a fleet to that system then there will be war.
[email protected] says:
"maintain a presense" that's how you described it. did you not?
Atrocities says:
Not a military presence. Any war ship that enters that system will provoke us into war.
[email protected] says:
The Romualns who are listening in must be loving this!
Atrocities says:
Unlike your human Hitler, we can fight a war on two fronts rather easily.
Atrocities says:
The romulan spies are everywhere.
Atrocities says:
Look for a message from us via subspace
Luke says:
The Klingons have a launched a major attack into Romulan space.
[email protected] says:
The Federation is well prepared as well for war... while we don' maintain a large fleet, we do have the resources and facilities to produce a large military capability in a very short time
Atrocities says:
We have not, we are on an explority mission to expand our empire. We need breathing room.
Atrocities says:
You have no teeth little cat
Atrocities says:
war is a bloody buisness and we do have three fully armed fleets.
Atrocities says:
With reserves
[email protected] says:
well, the President was convinced that there is room for deplomacy... our fleet will not enter the contested system... for now
Luke says:
You see the Klingons are aggressive and will stop at nothing. While we may protect our borders, we do not try and expand them at the costs of other life.
Atrocities says:
Ah Romulan lies. It was they who attacked us, and it was they who expanded into Klingon space. We let them have the system and what do they do, they attack us again.
Atrocities says:
Federation we have dispatched our peace onvy to your HW. We hope an accord can be reached.
Atrocities says:
Romulan, you have a choice to consider.
[email protected] says:
I think we can come to an arrangement that will benefit both peoples
Atrocities says:
Atrocities says:
Romulan�s, you know those funny little ships you had??
Atrocities says:
The ones that like to lay mines?
Atrocities says:
Well we must ask that you not use them any more. They are creating dangerous conditions for our peace envoy
Luke says:
Then stop attacking our colonies.
Atrocities says:
We have offered you a Peaceful option, you keep refusing it.
Luke says:
Oh, did all your ships die?
Luke says:
Perhaps it was a good day to die!
Atrocities says:
They were to be scrapped at any expense.
Atrocities says:
We have new Battleship coming on line this turn.
Atrocities says:
The choice is yours as to weather or not they are deployed?
Atrocities says:
Allow us to establish the colony and the neutral zone and the rest of the planets are yours in that system.
[email protected] says:
Battleships? hummm
Atrocities says:
Yes, Battleships.
Luke says:
I'm sure.
Atrocities says:
Klingons are warriors, not butchers. Peace has been offered, if you do no wish it, then we are fully prepared to offer you death.
Atrocities says:
Either way, we did extend the olive branch Romulan
Luke says:
If the Klingons want peace - then they must leave the system to us.
Atrocities says:
So be it.
Atrocities says:
If it matters so much to the Romulan�s to have such a system as that then so be it. But the systems beyond are Klingon.
Luke says:
That is the way it must be. For the Romulan�s colonized that system long before the Klingons had explorer that region.
Luke says:
We did not wish for war - just to be left alone.
Atrocities says:
Our records were in error. The mistake was ours. We have compensation for you, but it will take a month or two to arrive. We will offer it next turn.
Luke says:
The Klingon's lust for blood will leave them despised and unwelcome by the other races.
Atrocities says:
We merely want a "Buffer Zone"
Atrocities says:
The Federation is expanding beyond control, The Romulans are boxed in, and the Empire has no options but to establish relations with both races in order to move foward in peace rather than backwards in war.
Atrocities says:
(Kinda like the way they had it play out in the shows.)
[email protected] says:
But we've expanded through peaceful relations no war
[email protected] says:
guys, I should call it a night soon
Atrocities says:
That�s cool, so should I.
Atrocities says:
This has been one the most enjoyable games I have played in a while. Thanks againn guys.
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
this was the funest game I'
[email protected] says:
have had
Luke says:
Oh, how about 15more min.
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
say 1 or 2 turns?
Luke says:
Luke says:
this turn and next and that's it.
[email protected] says:
Atrocities says:
Atrocities says:
[email protected] says: