Originally Posted by chris h
Another example. New scenario first turn after setting pre-bombardment.
On map 120mm GWS, unit AX0 an AX1 not plotted but fire at the village centred around hex 38,45. Their initial plot was nowhere near that hex and fired smoke in front of the victory hexes directly ahead.
Cancel works as does loading them onto their transports.
Pre turn 0 and save 1 attached.
This says they
WERE plotted to fire smoke
That screenshot was taken from the pregame turn zero save you sent in save slot 1
AND you write "unit AX0 an AX1 not plotted but fire" then say "Their initial plot was nowhere near that hex
So not plotted but their initial plot was nowhere near that hex
Explain how they can be " not plotted" then say "Their initial plot was nowhere near that hex"