I've found a detailed article from 2021 on Polish helicopters.
424 SM-1 - started to appear in army units from 2/57 only (now 1/56)
(needs change in #95 Lt Helicopter formation)
115 Mi-2URN - better icon is camouflaged 931 (uniform green color is used mostly in last years).
117 Mi-2URP - the same icon as above. It should have crew=2 (missile operator) and carry=4.
Ending date should be 4/90 (now 12/91) - all were disarmed due to CFE treaty and armed again in 1993, but the unit 740 (below) is enough to cover later period I think.
740 Mi-2URPG - tested in 1987, but appeared only in 1988. The name was usually written as Mi-2URP-G, sometimes also with a name: Gad.
I have a problem with ending date (now 12/91). In fact, they were used until 2020 at least, although I think, for combat training rather (after 2012 they remained Polish only helicopters with ATGM, despite obsolete ones).
I personally made a photo in 2009
Funny feature was, that apart from 4 Malutka missiles, they had 4 more inside, and could land for a while to reload (the same for 117 Mi-2URP without Strela missiles).
It should have crew=2 and carry=4
741 Mi-2URNG - it appeared, that there didn't exist such variant with rockets (RN) and Strela missiles (G)
742 Mi-2US - actually appeared sooner, 1/72 at the latest (now 1/73)
(needs change in #45 Gunship Section).
Used only until late 70s (say 1978), then converted to URN/URP.
963,964 SW-3W Huzar - SW-3 helicopters with Spike remained a proposal only. No Spikes are used on Polish helicopters.
965 AH-64E Apache - not before 12/25 - Poland ordered the biggest fleet of Apaches after the USA (
are we that rich?), but they are not expected before 2026 (not mentioning training)
966 SW-4 - much better icon is 2345 (of Fennec) instead of a bulbous 753 (of Bo-105?) (bottom view:
https://www.mojehobby.pl/zdjecia/9/8...ARP90033_1.jpg )
967 Mi-2 Kania (light helicopter) - in fact, Kania was a small series modernized variant not used by the army (only police and border guards)
Some had vision devices (which might justify TI 40), but personally I'd remove this non-army unit.
It might be changed to ordinary Mi-2 with night goggles (only rename it as Mi-2 and correct carry to 108).
BTW: regular 116 Mi-2 was also rather treated as a "light" helicopter in Poland (and all Eastern bloc), in spite of its 8-men capacity. It could be made a light helicopter, which would bridge a gap between #095 Lt Helicopter - Available: 01/56-06/83 and #096 Lt Helicopter - Available: 01/95-12/125
(with no night vision devices, it could then be available until unit 967 with night goggles)
BTW2: maybe all Mi-2 should have carry capacity 8 instead of 108? With ordinary side doors it could only transport a HMG inside, maybe a light recoilles gun. In theory, 800 kg could be hanged externally.
428 W-3W Sokol - to be precise, should be available from 5/94, like the others (now 4/94) (first date of giving to units is 12 May 1994).
961 W-3W Sokol - date as above.
It should have icon 3455 with side pods (like unit 123)
In 1/86-8/90 also three heavy
Mi-6A were used, unarmed (Soviet unit 351)
(would need a formation for a heavy helicopter)