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Old October 9th, 2023, 09:02 PM

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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

The MBT map is what I am getting from time to time, and it's ordinarily along ONLY the left side of the map.
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Old October 9th, 2023, 09:14 PM
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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

Yes that has been established

What I am looking at now is if there is a connection with map size and junk terrain production

and we are working towards eliminating it. There should not be a map size connection but nothing is certain

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Old October 9th, 2023, 10:10 PM

Ts4EVER Ts4EVER is offline
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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

Werent new map sizes added at one point? Namely those that ended on 5?
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Old October 10th, 2023, 03:01 AM
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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

Another example is Scenario #12 - Operation Jupiter. Played as AI vs AI, the game crashes for me around turn 35.

Same thing... green hexes on the left of the map. To me, it seems as though this happens in the large scenarios and I've only noticed it since the update before the last one (v.14 ?).
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Old October 10th, 2023, 06:51 AM
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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

Originally Posted by Ts4EVER View Post
Werent new map sizes added at one point? Namely those that ended on 5?

That change was made November 2016 which is well before when some are saying they started noticing issues

That would be V10 for WW2 and V11 for MBT

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Old October 10th, 2023, 07:03 AM
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Exclamation Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

Originally Posted by Beeg View Post
Another example is Scenario #12 - Operation Jupiter. Played as AI vs AI, the game crashes for me around turn 35.

Same thing... green hexes on the left of the map. To me, it seems as though this happens in the large scenarios and I've only noticed it since the update before the last one (v.14 ?).

Large sceanrios or games *MAY* be the trigger but that is what we have a lot of.... we don't really have a lot of small map scenarios

If anyone sees this on a smaller map please post a save

This is what was changed for V14........

1/ For scenario design and editing there is one improvement and one addition

* When editing weapons data in the game editor for any of the four weapons a unit uses, the weapon number of the current weapon now appears when you click on the weapon button. Anyone who has tried to edit weapons data in a scenario in the past will know how much simpler this makes the whole process as in the past the only way to know what weapon # was used was to check the unit in MOBHack and it slowed or discouraged that kind of editing which was normally used to adjust the ammo count. The entire process is much simpler now.
* The Sound used by the weapon is now the final item shown. It would be rare to use it but it is now available and the existing sound # will show when you get to it. You will need to have knowledge of the existing sounds in the game however.

2/ Assault boats would sometimes show as burning wrecks. This has been corrected. They will be removed from the game map when destroyed as was SOP in the past.

3/ The unit name is now reported in the casualty message - this is handy to know which unit actually got hit in collateral damage situations

4/ Armoured cars that were capable of carrying passengers inside will now protect passengers in the same was an APC does. Previously the code considered them to be outside on the hull.

5/ There is now a 250 limit on changing the height and density of a Hex but they still cannot exceed the normal limits already in the game.

6/ Some changes to Engineering units

Engineering infantry now have a slightly reduced chance of inadvertently setting off a mine when entering a mined hex

* The text for mine clearance (second number) has been changed to "(X remaining)"
* Defending engineer infantry will now only clear mines, barbed wire and dragons teeth if they physically enter the hex containing them in order to allow defending engineers to sit just behind the defences without clearing their own defences. It has been a small annoyance for years that if you placed your own engineers just behind your defences they would start clearing them. They still can but when in the defence but now Engineers must enter a mined / Barbed wire/ dragons teeth hex to dismantle their own defences. In the defence they can no longer do that from one hex away.

7 / Aircraft occasionally would enter the map, make their attack run then do an instant 180 and leave the way they arrived. This has been corrected

8/ Passengers will now report "CARRIED BY: "..... normally this is obvious. They are in the vehicle carrying them but occasionally legacy scenarios would have ghost / doppelganger units and this allows those of us that fix these things the ability to know where they are supposed to be and when put into the transport that is already carrying their twins, cease being a ghost unit.

9/ Occasionally on very small maps the game would place V hexes on grey border hexes that neither side could take. This has been corrected

10/ Pressing K was reported in the Help file as a way to turn ID tags on and off quickly. This function did not work but now does. It's very useful for someone who may not like to play with ID tags on all the time but finds it useful for finding stray units. Now pressing K will turn on the ID tags when they are off and off when they are on when the game is being played. K does not work during deployment.

11/ The name of unit that has suffered casualties has been added to the message that appears on the bottom of the screen. It will now read...." Infantry Group - Suffers X casualties (Y)" with X being the number taken now and Y being the accumulated total.

12/ The mission types were being reported incorrectly in winSPWW2 Scenhack Sort / SQL. This has been corrected

13/ Some new flags have been added to customise scenarios Extended game version only
Entering 17 will give you the flag of WW2 era Iraq
Entering 25 will give you the flag of WW2 era Iran
Entering 97 will get you the flag of Denmark
Entering 98 will get you the flag of Estonia
Entering 99 will get you the flag of Lithuania

If you see something that you think might be the cause, let us know. Personally, I don't see anything

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Old October 10th, 2023, 08:10 AM
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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

I just confirmed the problem existed before "the update before the last one (v.14)

I installed a copy of WW2 v10 and ran Scenario #12 - Operation Jupiter and after the ( IT NEVER ENDS ! ) opening bombardment I went "junk hunting" along the west edge and it was there..... a little more subtly than some others but I have learned how to find it easily on a green map

The next test will be to go back another couple of releases and do another check

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Old October 10th, 2023, 08:51 AM
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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

Confirmed issue exists back to 2011 V4.5

So this is not "recent"

Right now I am looking at turn 2 of 400 Tarawa using a V4.EXE and the green junk is all there

EDIT......... found a copy of winSPWW2 V1........ ran Omaha beach and after the first turn

(sigh.......very badwords)

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Old October 10th, 2023, 09:01 AM
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Default Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

So it appears that the "junk" goes back a ways and yet not everyone got a CTD in #9 or there would have been more reports. Also, ditto on #400 I would think. I got the CTD on turn 17 of 400, so others would have noticed this. I vaguely recall playing 400 several years ago and got much further along then 17, I was somewhere in turns 40s or 50s trying to kill of the darn Japs from the island. but that was many moons ago.

Just food for thought.
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Old October 10th, 2023, 09:16 AM
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Exclamation Re: Omaha Beach - Scen #9

Andys thinking now is ( my simplified version ) we have an array number that is too low which is causing overflow and the reason it is more noticable now is we add more things every year and what may have only been a inconsequential event in 2006 is now 17 years later, not so iinconsequential

Think straw and a camels back and canary in a coal mine......some peoples systems may be older or more sensitive which is why it was noticed earlier by some people than others.

ALSO..... now lots more people are looking for it AND know what to look for so we get more reports

( think "dog pile")

AND...... it seems to have been noticed more often by people letting the AI play the AI in big scenarios and I have no idea how long they may have been doing that at one sitting.

So........ "the terrain junk" may only be a symptom of the problem not the cause

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Last edited by DRG; October 10th, 2023 at 09:32 AM..
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