Originally Posted by Imp
Originally Posted by Wdll
Originally Posted by Paulinski
Thanks for replies everyone.
I'm stubborn so I played another time last night. Draw as expected but I did down 3  Chinese planes. I'm beginning to question if the Chinese have too much air assets unless historically it was the case.
I don't think is feasible to hold back my armor because the Chinese armor arrive in turn 2 and just punishes my infantry.
I'm going to try again and see if I can hold the ZSU to fire on closer targets as it seems they target the planes far away.
The Strela is somewhat useful the 14.5mm is useless.
Don't let your AA guns shoot at max range. That's a waste of ammo.
Varies vs Helos for sure reduce the range to draw them in.
Planes however get lead time each consecutive shot is more accurate so hit chance goes up.
Therefore effective so long as flight path is not all at far range.
I rather have the planes approach and have higher chance of hitting them, than shoot at them from afar and have very limited chance of hitting them.
Plus shooting them several times without hitting them gives away the position of the AA guns.
I prefer to have them shoot at most at 75% of their range.
Depending on various parameters.