Hi Andy/Don,
Finally got back into
my 'Sweet Addiction' WINSPwwII late last year, after being unavoidably separated mid-2013 when my PC died.

(Finally managaed to get a Win98 capable PC from my bro-inlaw when he upgraded lol, as Private defence Analyst/Writer pays next to nothing when semi-retired due to medical reasons.)
So I have been slowly getting back into the game and checking out the OOBs. I have already incorporated the noted OOB corrections (German vz.9 & Polish Cannon) mysteriously previously changed to 1000 bombs.
I'm also glad you incorporated the majority of my ATR suggestions, incl WH=1 size for ATRs, unit ammo load outs and SMGs vs rifles. I also like the accuracy revisions for the ATRs as the #s used in 2013, near 2-16 range, were wayy too low.
Now that the new 2017 update has come out I have a couple of questions / corrections to start with.
1. The online Mobhack Guide clearly notes:
Indirect fire mortars should be class 3 (team weapons) - direct fire mortars/big Grenade launcher thingys - should be class 2 weapons. (e.g. UK 2 inch, JA 50mm GL)"
Yet ...
every single DF mortar or GL in all OOBs, including the noted examples and even the Greek Range 6 Lebel Bomb Guns are classified as Class 3 instead of Class 2?
I would think this should apply to any Range 10 or less DF Mortar/GL wpn?
Am I missing something blindingly obvious??
2. Also, as to the Lebel Bomb Guns (Wpn #109), while they are correctly used in Greek OOB for the most part.
The following 3 Infantry Squads (#s 161, 163 & 164) should actually be equipped with the French VB Rifle Grnd (French Wpn #93).
Suggested fit in (cut and past Fr wpn #93) as Wpn #214, right after the M.03/14 Rifle it is used with.
The VB is a cup-type discharged rifle grenade used on French Lebel Rifles and the few MAS 36 issued before the armistice in 1940, and was well known to be in Greek Service in 1930 to 1943 period.
The Grenade ammo allotment to these squads, 1 per squad member, fits exactly with French Inf Gpe VB allotment, and not with the usual 20 per 2 man unit manning a Bomb Gun or 30 per Launcher with 5 man Bomb Gun unit #328. With the EAM Demo unit (#439) being a 1/2 allotment exception as a Partisan unit.
Also, while I never had a chance to note it myself haha, I see somebody thankfully caught the 2013 labeling mix-up that had the Dicker Max and Stuer Emil cross labled as each other.
Keep up the Good Work with the updates as they just keep improving the game I love!
Mark R