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Old October 19th, 2015, 11:55 PM

DamienPS DamienPS is offline
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

Originally Posted by ibol View Post
... I am compiling a list ...
Are you checking it twice which is the fashion this time of year?

PS. I'm still up for testing 1.3
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Old October 20th, 2015, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

Originally Posted by ibol View Post
... I am compiling a list ...
me too!..
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Old October 20th, 2015, 05:12 PM

Baldrick Baldrick is offline
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

Hi Ibol,

I could be interesting to promote officers within the crew, based on the survival rate of the away missions and the activies developed in the ship. For example, if the captain has a navigation profile, the chances to promote a navigation officer could be higher. Nevertheless if another officer with a different profile has higher XP, promoting an officer with this profile could be more likely. The officers promoted could start with no skils. The problem could arise if you have all officers slots filled and a newby gets promoted. This could be solved "if possible" with a promotion button in the officers screen being active if conditions are accomplished. On the other hand, if an away party gets killed somewhere, the chance to lose this promotion chance could be high. I hope I have made myself clear.

With regards to Shipwrecks, something interesting could be that when our ship gets in contact with another ship (in combat), a chance to board it exists. Of course, the captain should be involved and the better the state of the other ship, the bigger the loot and the bigger the danger. Other thing I have been thinking about is the use of Non lethal weapons a requisite to make a shipwreck possible when in normal combat. In tihs case the captain could be involved or not.

Finally, and "If possible" I woould like to see merc bases where "different missions" could be found, depending on our reputation. I mean, we ussually have the possibility of killing the bad guys. But What happens when we receive the quest of attacking a ship or destroying a facility of the "good guys"?. We could be the ones to be hunted by everybody. Of course the reputation with a particular race or races could be damaged and depending on the damage, even the FAKE ID device could not work. Afterwards a mission to restore some of your reputation could arise. This idea came to my mind remebering another great game "FRONTIER: FIRST ENCOUNTERS" in which you had to kill somebody and even if you actually did it or not, being in the wrong place made you an outlaw. At certain point, someone offered you a mission to "clean" your records. That was great.

In terms of bugs, I have accepted quests to collect some chemical compunds on sectors, but when I arrived at the sector there were no elements to collect. It was on normal_permadeath.
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Old October 22nd, 2015, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

my most favored upgrade 1.3 items are

1. press same key again to exit sub-screens
2. random artifact switching on / off disabled - maybe add effect&device (artifact storage) that turns artifacts always on (or cursed version - always off - although wait that would turn the cursed effects of this one too ..)
3. chance to have a working city on terran & ice planets with a marketplace (like lobby at space stations - but able to enter without any problems even without fake id (smuggler-style))
3.b) make some higher quality items available to buy for the brave and sure skipper.
4. remove "captain could die" warning in non-perma-death-games
5. check if all active effects are on the "effects"screen - i think not every known active effect is listed.
6.able to mod in more professions / officer types with their own skill sets - also being able to use same skill for other officer type (right now you have to use other name / id for it)

Big THANKS for the support !
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Old October 23rd, 2015, 07:48 AM

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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

gonna address a few here:

baldrick, re: internal promotions:
I see the "reality" of it, but I don't see the point. especially if you were going to favor promotion to a class that you already *have* (copy captain's class, etc) I think there are plenty of opportunities to hire or find officers as it is.

I suppose that if you promote someone to a class of your choice, that could be good.

Dari, re: "officer professions"
hey, if you would like to introduce another class, I would love to hear about it, either on a new thread here, or in private at [email protected]

as for the skills, (I actually had to look this one up! I guess my memory for AI is not what it used to be) you are correct that you would need to create new skills for a new class. That is bad design / lack of vision on my part.
I don't think I will spend time correcting such a minor thing, but I will certainly admit that it is wrong.

"Random artifact switching" : this happens when you carry a certain number of artifacts (too many). and the more you have, the more chaotic they become. they are too powerful. this is by design.

I can imagine a "stasis chamber" device or "stabilizer" , that maybe reduces the chance or inc's the threshold of this... there must be a cost
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Old October 26th, 2015, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

hi ibol - check your pm

random artifact switching is really bad in sense of irritating for the visible effects like "no LOS" and sight range - and i have only 4 pages of artifacts in the manifest - could you at least disable it for the "no LOS" effect.
whats the cost - millions of credits, that renegade firax/pirate battlecruiser hunting for artifacts, or a firax contract to blow up every tentaculon one encounters ?
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Old October 28th, 2015, 08:36 AM

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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

Dari, checked pm, and replied. WOW!

As for artifact switching: 4 PAGES?!?!?!?!
you must have every conceivable ability.
I need to come up with something WORSE for you, not better!

...artifacts spontaneously explode...

Last edited by ibol; October 28th, 2015 at 09:03 AM..
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Old October 28th, 2015, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

another small idea:
1. maybe give the A.T. 2 or 3 devices - or maybe each officer has one item assigned that is used if she is on mission.
2. able to change a.t. equipment while on the shuttle tile
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Old January 5th, 2016, 12:32 PM
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

BIG THANKS for the 1.30 Update IBOL !
(hope there are no explosions for the artifacts - you know the one i keep under my pillow)
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Old January 5th, 2016, 04:29 PM
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Default Re: Upgrade 1.3 Requests

found following bug:

on first load (that means right away without taking even one turn) in my old v1.20 game i was surrounded by 4 of the new Sil-race ships - so far so good.
They said something in red but the ship scan still showed content up to friendly status. Moved to one of their ship, then they asked me to hand over a named (according to their info) unidentified artifact - i checked my artifact manifest - and it was already identified - dont know if they just wanted any artifact or if it has to be an unidentified artifact.
With the supplied text it seems they wanted that unidentified one.

Solved the bug with the "F"-key muahahaa
Dont know if its intended but i could not find the Sil in the race Relations screen.
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