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Old July 26th, 2015, 03:33 AM
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

Originally Posted by ibol View Post
..leveled prices that sounds soo SKYRIM (<-that is not a compliment)
prices are still absolutely governed by item quality.
the "leveled" prices occur if you have >100k credits,
and are added to the calculated price.
but having at least 100k credits is (at least in Hard v1.20) an emergency backup for repair and resupply - and in hard i managed to get up to a quarter Million creds till Sector 16 - and still cant impulse buy that new shiny device for 130K creds.
(maybe i would be less vocal at it - if i would know the formula for that "leveled" price)

now to the bugs .err features:

[negative Artifacts doing positive things] is it okay that a supposed negative (-) artifact give Targeting+14 (possible other sources like skills or unidentified artifacts for targeting not there)
and according to combat logs it even seems to work - actual damage is on the average higher than the listed weapon damage.

[Loot dropped from enemies at/onto walls - not accessible]
can confirm that bug - well it didnt hurt since it was just commodity - hope it doesnt happen with a big item!

[flying enemies - dont fly over lava]
are they scared of being fried ?
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Old July 27th, 2015, 11:12 AM
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

while iam here another few minor issues:
(v1.20 with fresh game start - unmodded)

1.in the AI Error.txt logs is one entry:
Sprite 175501 does not exist

2.traps override security fields - if it explodes it creates free spot to move

3.trap happy achievement already reached at 100 instead of 500

4.did i mention that even negative artifacts still give a positive bonus not just on the effect screen but also in gameplay terms (ie a negative personnel artifact allowed me to hire more crew!)

5. at shipwrecks heavy injured enemies (ie. pirates) retreats into an empty cell (blown off hull section i suppose) and are gone for good - dont know if that is working as intended - saves me one last shot.

6. DRM doesnt allow to have multiple copies on same computer - moved the game onto a ramdisk for testing purposes and had to reenter code - aborted it - started game from the original install location (had a bluescreen while the input window was open too) - had also to reenter it again. Would like to see that slightly loosen up - sometimes i like to mod in a complete safe way.

7. the \mod folder was not updated in v1.20 - but then one can copy from the original data files.

8. the ai_beta_115_debug.txt has one weird entry besides stating that its v115beta:
device recipes complete. NumFails=0, UltraMegaFail=1
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Old August 5th, 2015, 10:27 AM

Baldrick Baldrick is offline
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

sector 39 Normal Permadeath on.

Took a quest to coolect samples of a certain element. When I arrived there were no samples at all. As a further information, there was a black hole in it. Could the samples be in Whitespace?.
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Old August 22nd, 2015, 03:35 AM

DamienPS DamienPS is offline
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

I had an interesting crafting bug.

I made an item that had the same item twice. I had 5 of that item and it allowed me to build it. The game then subtracted 8 of that item and now I have -3 of them.
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Old August 22nd, 2015, 10:20 AM
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

(v1.20 with fresh game start - unmodded - NON-permadeath)
explored one planet that had caves - my a.t. got not much oxygen so i eplored other planets sectors
returned to the planet and explored the caves (so far so good)
died in some stupid chains of coincidences and recklessness on my part (well tough luck not anymore since its a non-permadeath game

But at the next landing on the same planet (thx for autosave before lastvisit) - the whole planet was completely redone in the sense of it was like another frozen planet . Also the caves were gone.

On shipwrecks this works like a charm (with their only one level) - no knowing what awaits me. But on planets its kinda strange.
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Old August 23rd, 2015, 03:55 AM

bdhurkett bdhurkett is offline
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

First ever visit to a Unifier station, and I don't know anything about them, but apparently they really like stealth?

(Sector 84, Normal, Cloaking device SUP:315 CD:35 has a sale price of $723,871,104)
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Old August 24th, 2015, 09:08 PM

Dubious Dubious is offline
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

Quest: Tenaculons Data Tap in Banker Relay.

Despite using Comm Jammer and Fake I.D. while docked with the Relay, I still dropped to Hateful with their relations after the mission. Is this always the case, regardless of devices?

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Old August 26th, 2015, 11:07 PM

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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

Had a map that I had traveled done to the bottom (level 11) and was working my way back up to the top with a "Shovel Suit" when I entered a level that spawned an oxygen algae on top of the "exit stair". (On this same map was an "exit stair" located beyond the wall.) When I cleared the agae, the valid stair out was gone. Returning to the previous level and then back failed to restore the stair out. (The invalid stair remained.)

After using a teleport on a lower level to return to the surface, I returned down to that same level from the surface. This time the stair entered the level from the invalid stairwell (behind the wall).

So the map is getting altered between visits. I had noticed this with other landscape features such as walls being replaced with other "barriers to movement" such as acid or lava as well. These didn't bother me as much, but entry and exit points shouldn't become invalid.

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Last edited by Dubious; August 26th, 2015 at 11:18 PM..
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Old August 30th, 2015, 01:10 AM

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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

1. Vordalene Anti-Matter Shortage quest for 100 AM. Reported that I needed to sell them 10 more AM. Bought and sold a set of 10 (Shift-M & ?). This only counted as one AM for the quest. So apparently this quest really means "transactions of AM". Confirmed by selling 9 more units, one unit at a time to complete the quest. (Not a hardship as this counts as an economic shortage event.)

2. Apparently Space Amoebas can disrupt ship systems even when "Hardened Systems" device is installed. Not sure if this is an expected exception to the device.

3. Not clear if the "Message Repeater" effect does anything more than spam the log with double messages (including player prompts like "Press [SHIFT] to change crafting screens").

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Old September 19th, 2015, 11:30 AM
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Default Re: Reports of bugs or possible bugs.

[Wormhole counted as unexplored planet]

in the sector selection at the warp point: the number of unexplored planets includes wormholes (maybe only if there is at least one unexplored planet together with the wormhole/s)
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