Originally Posted by ibol
..leveled prices that sounds soo SKYRIM (<-that is not a compliment)
prices are still absolutely governed by item quality.
the "leveled" prices occur if you have >100k credits,
and are added to the calculated price.
but having at least 100k credits is (at least in Hard v1.20) an emergency backup for repair and resupply - and in hard i managed to get up to a quarter Million creds till Sector 16 - and still cant impulse buy that new shiny device for 130K creds.
(maybe i would be less vocal at it - if i would know the formula for that "leveled" price)
now to the bugs .err features:
[negative Artifacts doing positive things] is it okay that a supposed negative (-) artifact give Targeting+14 (possible other sources like skills or unidentified artifacts for targeting not there)
and according to combat logs it even seems to work - actual damage is on the average higher than the listed weapon damage.
[Loot dropped from enemies at/onto walls - not accessible]
can confirm that bug - well it didnt hurt since it was just commodity - hope it doesnt happen with a big item!
[flying enemies - dont fly over lava]
are they scared of being fried ?