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Old May 17th, 2013, 12:31 AM

jivemi jivemi is offline
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Originally Posted by Mobhack View Post
clearly, this is a game for americans, by americans...and has nothing to do with WW2
I happen to live in Scotland , which as far as I recall is not in the USA.
Don lives in Canada , which again is not a part of the USA.

Well, actually, Canada is part of North America, so Don IS an American, strictly speaking. There are also Central Americans, Middle Americans (includes the Caribbean) and South Americans. Sure wish people would realize that using the term "America" or "Americans" to refer only to the US or its citizens creates a certain amount of ambiguity...
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Old May 17th, 2013, 08:19 AM
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Originally Posted by jivemi View Post
Originally Posted by Mobhack View Post
clearly, this is a game for americans, by americans...and has nothing to do with WW2
I happen to live in Scotland , which as far as I recall is not in the USA.
Don lives in Canada , which again is not a part of the USA.

Well, actually, Canada is part of North America, so Don IS an American, strictly speaking. There are also Central Americans, Middle Americans (includes the Caribbean) and South Americans. Sure wish people would realize that using the term "America" or "Americans" to refer only to the US or its citizens creates a certain amount of ambiguity...
I presume from the smiley that was in gest though it obviously did not apply if you look at the context of what was written it was quite obvious that the meaning was a citizen of the USA.
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Old May 17th, 2013, 09:22 AM
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Lots of obfuscation in these parts ....
If there are problems it's chat together.
In any case make a PBEM games to express your anger.
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Old May 17th, 2013, 09:26 AM
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Originally Posted by prinzeugen View Post
clearly, this is a game for americans
This is not clear.

I posted a Hot Keys Quick Reference Sheet about 4 years ago, here:


I posted it in 'Letter Size' (US, Canada, Mexico, and some South American nations), and A4 paper size (the rest of the world).

There's been 1,412 downloads:
45% for 'America'
55% the rest of the World

This game is in English, and as almost two thirds of the world's native English speakers are in the US and Canada (using 'Americans' loosely), you'd expect about two thirds of the players to be 'North American'.

But the above estimate is that only 45% of players are North American.

If you meant that it's a game for US citizens then you'd be even more wrong, as US players would be close to 40%, when it should be almost 60%.

This game is not nearly as popular with US Americans as it is in other parts of the world. It's an English speaking game where Americans are actually a minority.

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Old May 17th, 2013, 01:07 PM

Brian61 Brian61 is offline
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Then there are US citizens such as myself who play German long campaign far more than any other country, and while not one of the best players, play with a 25% or more handicap without any major problems. I wrote up an AAR awhile back covering all the way from 1939 till 1943 in one of those campaigns.

Frankly I think the OP is either trolling or hasn't put much effort into learning the game.
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Old May 17th, 2013, 02:53 PM

veneficus veneficus is offline
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Normally I just lurk and though fear of feeding a troll, I would like to comment.

I have played this game since it was spwwii without the win. I have had more enjoyment out of it than any other game I ever played and always eagerly await a new patch that always makes it better.

But I will objectively say there is a severe learning curve to this game. It is not for the first person shooter crowd or those who want to master a game in 40 hours.

I have found nothing wrong with the mechanics or of river crossings and I play German long campaign almost exclusively. I am a US expat to Europe. (I will also point out really liking river crossings.)

I humbly suggest any problems with a river crossing are either on the custom map as mentioned, or a serious deficiency in strategy and tactics.

This game in its current and past few forms is masterwork, and gets better with time. But a beginner is going to have a lot of frustrating losses. Especially if they try a head on charge across the water or don't have a strategic level plan.

I have played SPWAW, it has a few cool features I wouldn't mind seeing in SPWWII, they are different games though, some will like one over the other. I have thrown my hat in with this one.

If you are really having trouble, I suggest starting off with a small map and only 2 or 3 companies.
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Old May 19th, 2013, 06:16 PM
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Don and Andy give all OB nations the same attention to detail no matter which, no doubt about it,and not sure why you think germany is slighted,it's very well probaly the one most fixed.

Last edited by gila; May 19th, 2013 at 06:24 PM..
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Old August 27th, 2013, 08:35 AM

anlubue anlubue is offline
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Hello prinzeugen,

partially your post is based on an false assumption. Theres no need to buy Barges and try to load them on the Barge Carriers during deploy phase. This won't work.
River crossings are not so complicated and in no case buggy. All you have to do ist buying Barge Carriers only and get them to the riverside. prinzeugen i want you to think about the following words: "fairness" and "baseless allegations"
In case of language difficulties and to prevent further misunderstandings of other german players who think rivercrossing is not possible:


alles was Du für eine Flußüberquerung brauchst sind Lastkahntransporter. Diese enthalten bereits jeweils einen Lastkahn.

Es ist nicht möglich Lastkähne auf Lastkahntransporter zu verladen, während Du deine Truppen aufstellst. Jeder Transporter enthält bereits einen Lastkahn.


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Old August 27th, 2013, 11:55 PM
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

I guess the nub of this is:

Never try river crossings unless you know how to do it correctly,(ie lots of smoke and bombard ect..) and do it in low visabilty as they did it in RL.
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Old September 3rd, 2013, 08:53 AM
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Default Re: the german long campaign is unplayable

Originally Posted by prinzeugen View Post
clearly, this is a game for americans, by americans...and has nothing to do with WW2
An amusing point of view, since about 75% of scenarios in this game are from the German side and Germany has the most detailed OOB of all nations.
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