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July 13th, 2011, 02:43 PM
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Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
once again a huge one (i like it...)
In this hypothetic scenario british and german forces defend against the Red Army some months after the VE-Day.
Scenario slot: 425
Designer note:
1. If you are not common to handle such a great scenario: Dont be afraid, try it. Act methodical, i.e. work from north to south, front to rear area or some way of your choice. First go to the unit menu to have an overview of our troops and then have a look on the map where your troops are.
2. You have a lot of troops but you are in a defence role. A movement of the main portion of troops in every round will not be necessary.
3. The Red Army WILL smash your first line (believe it,  ). Try to delay the attack and defend in deep, you have the capacity to move your troops/reserves.
4. Lot of editing
5. Hope you'll have more luck as your flanking right neighbor
Would be nice if some native english speaker proofread my scenario text and send me the corretion, pls
Last edited by RT-Baseman; August 30th, 2011 at 03:35 PM..
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August 17th, 2011, 02:46 PM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
version 0.2 will be out soon.
After a lot of playtesting i made some balancing on the Red Army side mainly. Your nightmare will begin on turn 10 - 14
Isn't there any native english speaker outside or is my english sooooooo good?

August 30th, 2011, 02:40 PM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
here it is.
Slot 425 again
btw: If you think the amount of sovjet artillery is to great, pls notice that there are only 60 barrels/km. At the Seelower Hights they had 300 barrels/km.
Have fun.
Last edited by RT-Baseman; August 30th, 2011 at 02:41 PM..
Reason: Correction
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October 11th, 2011, 07:16 AM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
Hello Chris,
Great scenario, the only problem is that he AI turn takes forever making it a very long game.
Also, I had to change your Polsten AA guns and some other SP AA guns since all I got was SPWW2 markers.

October 13th, 2011, 03:59 PM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
Hello centurion77,
thanks alot for your comment. I'll try to fix the problem with the aa-guns. Havent seen it on my pc so far.
The ai units have many waypoints, maybe this is responsible for the long ai game turns. Without this waypoints they do amazing things (what the hell they are attacking)...
btw: you have stopped them? Have you made the same experience, that the british tanks (incl. 17 pounders guns)have great problems to kill everything greater than a T-34? (ok, the IS-3/T-44 is not fair)

October 15th, 2011, 03:37 AM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
The 17pdr. are a bit disappointing, but I managed to blunt the armoured spearhead but it was not easy. for the AA guns I replaced them with towed Bofors and SP Bofors. I'm familliar enough with the waypoints system so I can't comment, but it makes for a VERY long game.

November 9th, 2011, 03:38 PM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
have removed a lot of waypoints and i think the ai-turns are faster as before.
Slot 425 again.
Have fun.

April 1st, 2013, 05:15 AM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
Sorry for the late response, as I've installed and played WinSPWW2 relatively late, but I want to congratulate you for making a great scenario, it literally felt like an epic battle, I enjoyed it a lot! I literally stopped the Soviet advance at the last line of defence (my HQ personel had to remember their basic training as Soviet infantry appeared about 100m from them), and the final casualty report was IIRC approximately 2000 German/British troops to over 2500 Soviet troops. Soviets have a lot of goodies that can be a pain in the butt (IS3 ahem...), but copying Israeli tactics and using flanking shots and lots of manouver (the large terrrain allows this), did the trick for me. Once again, great scenario and I wish I could find even more of these huge scenarios, they are my favourite and they really feel like a World War battle, rather than a 15 turn scirmish...
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April 30th, 2013, 02:20 PM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
Hello Areaaa,
thanks for your great comment. i like the scenario too, because the chance of a win or a lose is equal. If you make the wrong decisions (hold the line, fight stationary) you will smashed to pieces in a short period.
I'm going to modify this scenario just for fun with us troops instead of the british (here the patton comes...).

May 2nd, 2013, 02:58 PM
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Re: Hypothetic scenario: Steyerberg 07/1945
Hello all,
here is the promised modified one.
Steyerberg 8/1945 with US/German troops agains the Red Army.
The US Army Troops seems a little bit weaker than the British Troops  But you will probable see the combat value of the new Pershing tank.
Slot 517
Have fun.
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