
May 19th, 2011, 09:36 AM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
Thanks for subbing Valerius  I think I got the better end of the deal, no one likes dealing with fish men!
"Easy-slay(TM) is a whole new way of marketing violence. It cuts down on all the red tape and just butchers people. As a long-time savagery enthusiast myself, I'm very excited about the synergies that the easy-slay(TM) approach brings to the entire enterprise." -Dr DrP

May 19th, 2011, 09:45 AM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
EA R'lyeh needs massive amount of AotF to be effective on land. I was tied too long in the war with Atlantis to be able to do anything about the land.
I really enjoyed the game and want to thank you all for participating.

May 19th, 2011, 03:55 PM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
2 Psycho/Dimaz
Originally Posted by Psycho
That battle on Ulm's capital was the weirdest thing I ever saw - another case of bad replay. In the replay, iron adepts aren't very successful, the buffs go off and the whole Ulm's army is slaughtered with maybe 2-3 W5Es dying on TC side. In the battle report, however, Ulm loses 3 units and the whole TC army is dead, except the pretender. Crazy.
Originally Posted by Dimaz
I tried to storm his cap (that was already sieged) but failed, and I don’t even know why: replay bug.
Considering that famous Ulm capital storm. Imagine me: I knew about all sieging troops and mages, I knew the spells you are going to cast and in what order, I knew about the items you are going to bring to that storm (Ankh particularly). I scaled and set up the perfect defense against it, which displayed to me 100% destruction of Tien Chi forces in every single test. Now I load my turn and watch you breach my walls killing my front line, making my second line rout leaving my mages uncovered and slain after, and in the end finishing off my pretender... Ten minutes and two bundles of valocordin later I find courage to continue watching... and... I see in the battle report: Ulm wins Tien Chi loose!!! PHEW, STUPID REPLAY BUG! DONT YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THIS AGAIN!!!
Originally Posted by Dimaz
(I think it has something to do with turn resolution sequence as I always had my dom there but during the battle it was Ulm’s
The secret of this trick I reveal with pleasure: dominion from preaching spreads before the battle, while dominion from temples/prophets/pretenders - after the battle. And I was preaching with about 12 priests of different level out there.

May 19th, 2011, 04:09 PM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
Originally Posted by WingedDog
Considering that famous Ulm capital storm. Imagine me: I knew about all sieging troops and mages, I knew the spells you are going to cast and in what order, I knew about the items you are going to bring to that storm (Ankh particularly). I scaled and set up the perfect defense against it, which displayed to me 100% destruction of Tien Chi forces in every single test. Now I load my turn and watch you breach my walls killing my front line, making my second line rout leaving my mages uncovered and slain after, and in the end finishing off my pretender... Ten minutes and two bundles of valocordin later I find courage to continue watching... and... I see in the battle report: Ulm wins Tien Chi loose!!! PHEW, STUPID REPLAY BUG! DONT YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THIS AGAIN!!!
Hehe, I loled at this. But seriously, I don't know about your tests, but like you said ankh was in play, phoenix pyre as well, and also there were redundant casters for all crucial buffs. I would love to see what actually happened there. In retrospect, we should have tested, then we'd know that magic duel targeting is random and probably just send pretender to try and take out a few iron adepts. But that was the time when the transfer of command occurred - bad timing for TC.
Edit: Oh and also, you shouldn't have known what army was there, but unfortunately the golem that was supposed to clear pd got a crippled affliction while doing it as well as one of your pd guys. So he was chasing this last pd member for about 20 turns and eventually died due to time limit. Now that battle was retarded.
Last edited by Psycho; May 19th, 2011 at 04:26 PM..

May 19th, 2011, 10:27 PM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
Wrap up time
To say that I was non plussed about getting Fomoria is an understatement. After getting Jot in the last YARG and going E9N6 for the first time I didn't care to be at the helm of another giant race where E9N6 is supposedly a no brainer. And so with trepidation I went with an imprisioned Divine Serpent E9N6 T1L3M1. In hind sight a minor bless from a rainbow would have been better.
My opening was non stellar, I actually failed to attach turn 5 I think and staled. That said I then had Marv's PoD on my cap, but took it out with ease with N. Champs. I then decided to counter with everything I had and eventually ground out Marv with the use of sailing/call of the winds. So all of a sudden my opening situation actually looked pretty good I had a good chunk of territory, a second cap, and some astral.
I then looked around at my neighbors. TC was in the south east and seemed to be as strong as me. TNN to the north - definately not someone I wanted to fight due to glamour raids, and our affinity to Air magic (a feeling which stuck with me most of the game). Ermor to the East - many a times I thought of going after them, but all plans that I came up with posed the possibility of costing too much for little gain. That left Helheim to the west, again a glamour air nation, and ideally not something I wanted to deal with.
In time Helheim went after Mictlan and so I decided on a multi approach attack, using my sailing kings, and the few W kings that I had who I kitted out to be SCs. The attack went great. Some raids but all in all Hel decided on trying to cripple Mictlan.
So with Hel out and my TNN/Ermor/TC neighbors being the same I then went after Mictlan, which went great until I started sieging his cap. Mictlan had over a hundred vamps and strong dominion and so I couldn't dent his walls and was getting attacked by vamps every turn. To minimize the losses I had to cast gem rec battlefield spells, and so as the useless siege went on I was spending gems for no gains. For awhile I actually thought of withdrawing to think of something else, but then buckled down and analyzed what I had to work with that could possibly end in my victory. I tried fighting dominion for awhile but that didn't work. Mictlan also had the habit of sending the vamps out to raid and then sneak them back into the cap, which allowed me to start penetrating his walls, so I tried timing a crumble, but that didn't work. My last resort was...siege monkeys <3! At least that's what I decided to call the pale ones that I recruited en mass. And as soon as the monkeys started showing up leprosy spam began. The monkeys did the trick and I was able to breach the walls and take the cap, but the cost to the Fomorian war effort was pretty heavy. Gem stocks were low and my large stack in the west was riddled with diseases and dying.
For a time I was elated! I was tied in terms of caps with TC and Ulm and the TC/Ulm war was stalemated! If that stalemate continued I could pick away at my neighbors and secure the win. I had eyes on everyone, thinking of my next step, but then Ulm was subbed and the flood waters broke.
An aside on my views of TC. I watched many a battle from when they fought Hinnom, Kailasa, and Ulm. It became more and more apparent as I viewed them that I was behind in terms of power. I had some unmarked champ thugs, and just a smattering of SC W-Kings most of the game. My luck on the kings generally resulted in getting the A4D2 variety or the A3D3 variety and so my attack forces pretty much relied on moving large stacks around backed up with Air buffs. I felt that tactic against TC would fail as they had Air as well and a whole lot of other paths which I pretty much lacked, so win on the battle spell front. Then when TC started sporting his djinn and bane lords and tarts I was out classed on the thug/SC approach as well. Finally TC had a huge income and just put forts up everywhere...not great for a quick attack approach, especially since TC had astral as well and so could gate troops to wherever I attacked. Credit to Psycho/Dimaz as they set my tempo! I would watch what TC had and thought holy **** I'm behind! I need to catch up! I set up two tart factories, multiple morrigan factories, a gargoyle factory, played around with hidden in snow, demi liches, fairy queens, troll kings, etc...spend spend spend!
All of this was going on after Mictlan and before Ulm was subbed out. I started planning on an invasion of Arco. Many an hour I sat there planning.  Taking stock all the troops, mages, spells, I had access to, planning attack vectors, etc. Truly that was the most fun I had in this game.
But then the Ulm defense broke and all of a sudden I had to think of something...quick. I contemplated taking Lanka or Van from Ulm, but 1. My western forces were still plague ridden, and 2. I had that Rlyeh beach head to worry about...worst case scenario I go after either and Rlyeh goes in and takes Mictlan, cutting supply and wiping out my west. I then thought, well I know I'm not the only one scouting out TC/Ulm. Probably Rlyeh is too and that beach head is going to go and grab Lanka!
So I turned back to my original plan to take Arco and then included a staggered attack on TNN, of course modifying my forces to account for the 4 way attack on 2 medium sized powers. Finally it was time I had sights on being on Caelum and Arco in two turns. Niefelheim in 3 turns and TNN in 4 turns, with the plan to then blitz Abysia or Van for the fifth and the win.
Seeing how both TNN and Arco lacked domes on their caps and had the majority of their forces parked there my idea was murdering winters/leprosy on TNN caps and flames from the skies/leprosy on Arco's cap. So essentially nuke what they had and go in. TNN no problem as they went AI after that. Arco thought the same thing as me and nuked my Arco force with FftS's. The Caelum force broke through but with the Arco division wiped out there was no more point...TC had won.
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May 19th, 2011, 10:34 PM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
Originally Posted by Calahan
 Didn't know about this extra "someone attacked him" part of why he bailed, but it does make TNN's existence even funnier.
As TNN in this game was like a mirage. As I'm sure some players looked at TNN throughout the game and thought "Hhhhmmm, they could be a slightly tricky foe due to their mass raiding, and they could certainly have a say in who wins this game". But then when Slobby decided to be the first to actually touch the mirage, POOF!!! they immediately went up in smoke, as TNN didn't actually exist  Superb stuff 
Lol especially when I think of TNN as a smoke in mirrors/mirage/ghost nation, here one moment and gone the next!
Truly the player thematically played the nation in the end!!! lol!

May 20th, 2011, 01:31 AM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
I have to say I added some small bits to Arco defense (several more MHs on the Fomoria raiders), not sure if they made any difference.

May 22nd, 2011, 04:12 AM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
Guys, I'm planning to organize the sequel YARG3 as soon as DHG is up and running.
I was thinking MA with CBM 1.84 and perhaps ENP1.
As always, former YARG players have first priority for sign up so let me know if you're interested.

May 26th, 2011, 04:38 AM
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Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [7/24 players left]
ok. Some things are in motion so I prefer to start YARG3 in a month or so.
There's CBM 1.9 in the oven, possible fix from IW to a recently found bug and some personal matters that will keep me busy.
Anyone gave thought to ENP1/2 in the game. Good?- Bad?- Ugly?
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